
Monday, November 26, 2012

A slow Monday

Okay, they are talking about snow showers for Tuesday.  Can you believe it?  New England weather, the only thing wackier is New England Politics.

As much as I enjoyed the Patriots' game Thursday night, it just isn't the same on a Sunday during football season when the team doesn't play.  

Monday after Thanksgiving weekend, generally is there a harder day to get motivated to get back into the routine?

As you can tell from the above, the answer is no. The body has been up since 4:00 A.M., the mind however, is still in non-working mode.  

Just a note to Fairhaven residents, the town snow parking ban starts 12/1/2012.  This causes some confusion and complaints every year.  At least a half dozen times a season, I will be asked why we need a full time ban.  Why can't we just impose a ban during snow emergencies.  I suppose one could argue for a less restrictive ban.  The thing is, when we do have a snow emergency, I think the ban works better as is, rather than being imposed during the emergency.  We don't seem to experience the same problems with people not moving their vehicles when an emergency is declared.

It is an observation rather than anything statistical.  

Again a reminder about the Special Town Meeting for December 4, 2012.  That is a Tuesday.  The meeting will take place at the Middle School, at 7:00 P.M.  

Look for things to start heating up in the local political scene.  I will personally be very interested in who pulls papers right after the first of the year.  

Any one with any tidbits and willing to share, let me know.  You don't have to post them.  Just send via e-mail.  As always all sources remain anonymous, unless you explicitly state otherwise.

Not much to say today.  I am just trying to get back in the swing of things.  Maybe tonight's selectmen's meeting will provide some inspiration for tomorrow!

Take care and be safe.

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