
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday, just some odds and ends

Starting off

Okay I know some of you were expecting a blog by now concerning the BOH meeting on Tuesday.  I forgot to set the DVR and by the time I was able to turn on the t.v. Tuesday night, I had missed the public meeting.

I have received telephone calls and had people approach me who did see it.  I am going to have to watch it for myself.  Type of thing you have to see first hand.  Got to say, the versions of what people saw seem to be pretty consistent.  

Funny because yesterday I was thinking maybe I was going to run out of things of interest to blog about.

Seriously, if you watch the meeting, or were there, let me know your observations.

By the way, just a reminder about the guest blogging offer I had made some time ago.


Today's discussion on T.M. is going to be again about the article that didn't make it to the Special Town Meeting warrant.  I am not trying to get my buddy Code of Fairhaven upset here.  Actually, I am somewhat on his side in the bigger picture of things.  Seems to me, based on the law as opined by town counsel, and the deadlines involved, there certainly could have been a place holder on the special town meeting warrant.  

Where me and The Code might have eventually had issue would be whether he would republish the notice and whether he should have to republish it.  But that is a issue neither one of us needs to debate at this point.  

Simple fact is the selectmen could have thought outside of the box, saved a place on the warrant, provided some more time for proper procedure as suggested by town meeting and then yanked the article prior to the actual posting day if they felt the necessary requirements had not been met.

It wouldn't be the first time they did this, and it is not like it won't ever happen for something else in the future.

Based upon what I have learned lately though, I might be able to give The Code a few names to call to see if the people can lobby for him.  Seems to work for some.

Some Misc. Stuff

Define overwhelming for me?  Twenty people, fifty people, one hundred people?

Heck If you consider it to be around fifty, I guess we have dueling versions of what overwhelming support would be.

Not to worry.  Life is a marathon folks.  Issues aren't so much about who wins a particular time segment, but who can actually cross the finish line.

Question:  If I meet with a quorum of a committee, and the committee members simply tell me what is available when they know or should know one of the options I am considering is their office and/or lab space, by telling me what other space is available aren't you discussing committee business, i.e. alternate locations to lab space or office?  Better yet why the heck would you be involved in it if it had nothing to do with you?  That's the last on that one.  It is what it is, which in all honesty isn't all that much.

Just less than open and transparent for me is all.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how STM Article 5 came to be.

    The home owner first appeared at a Selectmen’s meeting in which the Planning Board, while also in attendance at that March 19th meeting, seeking support for it’s previously submitted written article on wind turbines, was chastised and told there was not enough time to get on the warrant.

    Yet the homeowner was there the same evening without anything in preparation for an article submission and having no money. Yet miraculously, somehow in less than ten days, all the language magically appear as a warrant article, petitioned by the Selectmen for submission to the Town Meeting and then General Court. What meeting did they vote to authorize spending on town counsel drawing up the easement, using what source of money and by what date was all this completed?

    I wish I did indeed have your list of names of magicians, responsible for producing behind the scene results. I just want to make sure they act ethically, as the Planning Board is held to the highest of high standards, to protect the poor unsuspecting public.


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