
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Its Back

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day.  For all you brave souls who ventured out on Black Friday, or Gray Thursday may you have found your bargains and did so with without suffering or causing injury.

I will admit I was at the stores Friday, two of them actually.  However, I waited until about 9:00 A.M. or so.  Yes I know, all the "big bargain" items are sold out by then.  I actually headed out for the sales on the "necessity items.  I snapped up a bag of cat food with a $5 off coupon, and facial tissue carton with a $4 off coupon.  You know you are getting old when you score a $9 savings on cat food and tissue and feel like doing a victory lap (around a very short track, mind you).

Would have been a great success, except after I had returned home with my great deals, all the dogs did was give me the evil eye for not bringing them anything.  Fixed that though, made an extra sandwich for lunch and gave them each a half.  They thought they had hit the lottery.

Anyway, the secret now will be timing the rest of the holiday shopping for the right sale, along with wearing the right ear plugs to drown out the extra two days of Christmas music.

So how many people actually stayed home because of the "protest"?  Where there any locally?  In all honesty, I have been doing a self-imposed "news" protest this weekend.  I did take a peek at the S-T "Our View" this A.M.  Thought about doing something on the "content" and simply decided to file it away.

The election is over.  It is time now to give the elected officials the opportunity to do their job.  The will be plenty of time for critical analysis once that starts happening.  Blind rants or high praise for something that hasn't even started accomplish nothing.

Locally, keep in mind the Special Town Meeting for Tuesday, December 4, 2012.  I am guessing Town Meeting members should be getting their warrants in the mail, no later than this Tuesday.    I will have to do a piece on the warrant articles.  I am hearing there will be some changes to some articles, in the manner of articles being passed over, and perhaps a figure or two.  I want to check on a few things before we gear up to address them.

Anyway, enjoy the day, chilly as it will be.  As always, stay safe!

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