
Monday, December 31, 2012

Is it telling you something?

It is New Year's Eve!  Less than a day before we all go running over that fiscal cliff like lemmings.  

What a prospect for the start of a new year.

Yesterday morning saw the first plowable snow event for our area.  Seems we lucked out compared to some of the surrounding inland communities.  While those who depend on that white stuff to make a living driving their plows were probably ecstatic, I for one could do without it.  I certainly could have yesterday.  Still struggling with my sinus problems.  The storm pressure didn't help, and neither did having to get out there and clean up the mess.

The only plus for today, it is the first day in the last five were I can actually say I woke up feeling better than the day before.  Not that I am making any plans on ringing in the New Year other than under a couple of blankets.  I suppose there is the added bonus in that I should also be able to say tomorrow the start of the new year will be an improvement over the end of this year.  Always have got to look for that silver lining right?

Speaking of silver linings, the fact that the meetings schedule has been set on dealing with the DOR report is a bit of a silver lining.  Not enough to cast aside the dark clouds hanging in the background.  

I have harped on this in the past, I will do so again and again, until such time as the selectmen come to a decision as a board, i.e. unless and until the board decides whether it intends to recommend to Town Meeting and the voters to move to a strong town administrator form of government, it can hold all the meetings it wants, because little effective change can happen without setting the tone so to speak.

I don't know whether Town Meeting or the voters at large would support a strong town manager format.  I would like to think so.  I would hope the benefits of the same are somewhat obvious.  Certainly if that is the proposal those benefits will be highlighted again and again.

Without the selectmen coming to that decision, it is going to be difficult proposition in more than one way.

The most disturbing aspect in how the DOR report is being dealt with is the fact that in all the discussions to date about the report, there hasn't been any significant discussion about whether the selectmen feel there is merit to the recommendation for a strong town administrator.  

Am I the only one that finds that curious?  

But I will continue to see the silver lining, hoping that the matter will be discussed and dealt with in the upcoming series of meetings.  Perhaps the board is looking for input from others before forming its opinion on whether it is a  realistic expectation: 
that a volunteer, part-time board of selectmen is prepared to provide the full time management and leadership that a $50 million, contemporary municipal government requires. (page 7, DOR report)
The bottom line on this particular issue, the selectmen need to assess and recommend not based on individual talents, abilities and perceptions, but reality.  The selectmen are uniquely situated in determining whether it as a board, is capable of providing full time management and leadership.

When it takes weeks to determine a schedule for meetings to deal with issues, that should tell you something.  

When committee have to be formed to study everything and anything, that should tell you something.  

When discussions on agenda items take 90 degree turns, and never get back on course, that should tell you something.

When decisions keep getting postponed, week after week, that should tell you something.

I could say more, probably should, but the tank is running on empty right now.  If you are going to be out and about tonight, be safe!  

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