
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Do and Don't

I was tempted to do something this morning about the lack of debate down our way for the senate race, as timely as the piece in the S-T today may seem, it is a day behind the Fall River Herald on the matter.  I don't know why there is this continuing plea to come on down.  

All you have to do is read the two first paragraphs of the Herald piece for the answer.

Today is graduation day in Fairhaven.  Outside of a bit of wind, the forecast looks good.  Congratulations to the Class of 2013.

Sox win. Bruins win. Is there really anything more that we need to hear on the sporting front?

Shifting gears ...

The Standard Times did have an interesting piece today about legal costs in local communities.

Legal fees are essentially getting to be like "snow and Ice" budgets.  It is a guessing game.  Whatever happens with the election court case, I hope it all happens before the close of this fiscal year.

As far as next year, well something is telling me the guess by everyone for FY 14 is going to be off just a tad.

Best common sense tidbit  in the whole article "Get advice early."  

Biggest understatement in the article, a tie. "Sometimes cities and towns bring legal difficulties on themselves", tied with "If you have bad decisions being made by a Board of [any town entity you want], you are more apt to be involved in lawsuits."  

If you need to break the tie, I think the tie breaker goes to the latter.  It will for us going forward anyway.

Best advice in the article, "Don't react impulsively."  Also winner of best advice seldom followed.

Short and less that sweet today, but it is what it is.  Be safe.

1 comment:

  1. The Standard Times did have an interesting piece today about legal costs in local communities.

    In particular Fairhaven spent $168,145.00 on legal fees .

    The Standard Times singles out $24,010.00 spent on lawsuits for wind turbines. The news story dedicates three paragraphs to the 24 thousand dollars and names a citizens group in Fairhaven.

    The $24,000.00 equals about 15 percent of the total $168,000.00 spent on legal defense for the Town of Fairhaven.

    In the fairness of news reporting what happened and where did the other $144,000.00 go for legal defense.


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