
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Another day in the circle of life

First item of note, and worth noting is the Town Government Study Committee has posted an agenda/notice for July 11, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. at the BPW building.  There is a lengthy list of bullet items to be addressed in the nature of a start up protocol.

This committee folks is potentially the most important in Town right now.  I say "potentially" because whether it turns out to be of any significant importance will be determined by the time and effort given its members to make solid recommendations and the ability of its membership to work together toward a goal.

I have all ready heard some grumbling about who has been and who wasn't appointed.  I still don't know with certainty everyone who applied.  

As far as commenting on that myself, all I will say is on any given day for any given appointment, if you are so disposed one can either find enough reason to praise or lament the appointment or non-appointment of any individual (well maybe not be every single one, but hey it sounds good, right).

Anyway, it is what it is.  What it is at this point is the best shot we have of getting some serious recommendations presented to the Town, after a serious study of exiting government structure.

Predictions, accolades or criticisms at this point have no validity.  There will be plenty of time for that two or three meetings from now. 

Moving on, for the moment ...

Before I forget, tomorrow is Independence Day.  Celebrated on July 4th to remember the act of the Continental Congress in issuing this Country's Declaration of Independence.  The same being a document agreed to by representatives of thirteen colonies, each with extremely diverse interests.  

A document that despite what many today think, was not formed initially from any universal agreement to a common goal.  Often forgotten is the fact the original colonies and Great Britain had been at war for over a year prior to this declaration. It took that much time of real fighting for the idea of independence to become the ultimate goal for many.

It took determined hard work from a collection of fiercely independent individuals from colonies who truly had little in common, to forge what was a compromise document that once issued was the unifying act that led to independence.

Even once declared, the act was not accepted by all in this country.  Indeed there was a substantial segment of the population who remained loyalist. 

There is a great deal of truth to the concept that "united we stand, divided we fall".  But any unity comes from an agreement on a common goal, and in reality successful unity is rarely unanimous  As many historians today are apt to point out, there were many flaws in the documents and practices which formed the basis for the "American Revolution".  

Yet without the comprises reached, giving rise to those resulting imperfections, most would agree there would not have been a successful revolution.

A bit preachy perhaps, but to my way of thinking still relevant.

Moving on ...

Okay, it appears that the selectman up for re-election next April has kicked off his re-election campaign.   The one saving grace to social media is keeping abreast of such matters.

Come September 10th, that might warrant more attention.  I would note however to any would be challengers you now should probably be getting very serious in your thought process.  

As far as the election to be September 9th, or should I say tentatively scheduled for September 9th, or is it scheduled but potentially subject to challenge, or whatever, as far as that one goes it is going to be a very interesting one I am sure.

I have been asked numerous times in such a short time span, i.e. encompassing Monday's announcement to now, who I am supporting.  As of right now, until I know who is going to be running, I do not know.

The political junkie in me is longing to see a third candidate toss a hat into the race.  Quite frankly I don't consider it a far fetched notion that someone besides the prior contestants could run away with the new election.  

The always key factor would of course be turnout.  The other factor would be the who #3 would be.  Anyone who was articulate and sounded reasonable might very well provide significant impetus for voters to cast a ballot for them, hopefully with a properly filled oval.

I think both camps realize this.  Each has a core base.  Each has to worry about that basically 1/3 who will vote who will essentially base their vote on who they like better, or who in their minds is the lesser of two (maybe three) evils.

Let's be honest, most of you that follow this blog are at least attuned to what goes on around you.  I am willing to bet a fair number you have heard others say if they had a choice, they would vote for someone else.

There will be those who will cry foul by allowing any other candidates in the race.  As far as I can determine I see no foul.  If we truly believe in the principals so many seem quick to throw out as justification, there is no foul because of ballots found weeks later, nor because someone didn't run in April, and not because of personal opinion on what should happen rather than what is required to happen.

There was an election.  There was a recount.  There were clearly problems with the election.  There was a court case.  There was a judge's decision setting aside the election.  There are laws governing holding a new election.  Following the judge's decision on what was actually said, and based on what the laws provide, there is no foul.

Unless and until someone decides to run back to court, this one clearly is what it is.  

I have neither the time nor the inclination to connect any more of the dots on that one either.  

Right now though  a third candidate is simply a "what if" thought.  A savory dish for your mind to feast on if your are a political junkie though.

Such a thought comes from another thought that does make one pause and wonder, at least this one: How either of the two original candidates are really going to have any unifying or healing powers?

As far as the Board of Selectmen, let's give them a bit of respite on this one going forward, assuming going forward the board does nothing to deserve further "scrutiny".  They called for an election.  They have completed their statutory, legal and "code" duties as far as I can tell.

Certainly the board can collectively offer assistance if needed, so long as it remembers "insistence" is not "assistance".  That is something everyone else needs to keep in mind also.  If we all want this one to truly be done correctly, let us all resist the temptation to call for a board or official to take any action that oversteps the boundaries.  

It is getting late, so ....

Not sure what else may get posted over the next few days.  I do hope everyone has a safe holiday, if you have an extra long weekend, well be extra safe, please.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle FurtadoWednesday, July 03, 2013

    The Town Government Study Committee might be our saving grace going forward, an opportunity to organize the disorganization. Let's all keep an eye on the meetings right from the beginning, and then form our opinions as to whether it makes sensible suggestions. We've got too many irons in the fire right now to heat another one prematurely.
    "Untied we stand?" I know it was only a typo, but an amusing one, considering the local issues.


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