
Monday, July 29, 2013

Another Monday

Monday, the beginning of a new work week for most people.  I would saw also the start of week 8 of the three week plan, but that plan was pretty much non-existent so I am ceasing all further reference to the same from this point on.

New plan - ban the possession, sale and distribution of straws in the Town of Fairhaven.  

After some deep thought, it seems to me that the ability of people on all sides to grasp at straws is directly leading to confusion, misinformation, and the compounding of problems.  

Just a thought.

While there are some thoughts bouncing off the inside of my head ...

Let's all stop pretending we know exactly what everyone else is thinking, feeling and is motivated by.  We don't.  I am getting pretty tired of hearing people being accused of being either either uncaring and evil, or self-centered, nut cases.  

Take your pick as to who is what, because you can make the argument the accusations are being tossed by everyone against everyone else.

Whether the zealots on both sides of the argument realize it or not,  a whole lot of people stuck in the middle have become anesthetized to the effects of much of the arguing going on back and forth.  Worse yet, your arguments are having a boom-a-rang effect.

I am going to be very interested in seeing who shows up tomorrow at the B of H.  I don't mean the general public.  You could probably write out that list of attendees now and be about 95% accurate.  I am talking about for the developers.

This is dot your i's and cross your  t's time.  It should be spelling out exactly why the proceedings are defective in the first place, but even so why the "plan" what ever it is, clearly establishes mitigation.  It should be about setting the ground work for appeal at this point.

Here is dilemma the B of H faces.  Complaints do not in and of themselves constitute sufficient grounds for a cease and desist, neither do complaints in and of themselves constitute a grounds to reject a mitigation plan. Bluntly put, if it is than the turbines should not be the only thing being shut down in town.

I am not saying complaints are not a factor.  Don't comment otherwise.  Complaints are most definitely a factor.  The complaints however are not the only factor.  There is definitely going to have to be more than just the grounds stated for the 12 hour shutdown on June 10th however. That is if you want a ruling that has a chance of standing on an appeal, and that applies no matter what the decision.

Good luck with that.

We seem to be stuck in a perpetual loop.  There have been multiple chances and opportunities to break out of it, and the same have simply not been grasped upon.  Next shot Tuesday evening. Let' be honest, just about all of you are actually hoping for a decision, right?

I know I am.

Okay, as an FYI, yesterday's open line comment period expired yesterday.

As another FYI, based on questions asked orally and via e-mail, check with the town clerk's office as to what you need to do if you intend to cast a write-in vote.

Quite frankly, from a personal perspective if that is your intent, please leave out the fictional characters as your choice, or none of the above.  I can sympathize with the dilemma you feel.  Who you intend to cast your ballot for is your absolute right.

I am urging everyone though to please go to the polls.  Don't stay home in disgust.  Don't think your vote doesn't matter.  Just look at last April.  Even with the same exact turnout, had people not voted blanks .....

No matter what, if you can't be convinced to vote for either, go and vote.  You want to write someone in, so be it, just check the procedure.   It may be a fool's dream but turnout in this election is I think important in more ways than just getting a candidate elected, as will be the tallies for votes of any kind.

Yes, for the optimist an election should be about who is the better candidate.  Put in the pessimistic view point, it is often about the lesser of two evils.  Whether your glass  if half full or half empty, I don't see that as being the driving force in this election.

Like it or not, agree with it or not, the winner in this one is in fact just another chapter in the soap opera.


  1. Michelle FurtadoMonday, July 29, 2013

    I'm usually disappointed to find out the voter turn out of most elections. Every election is an opportunity to 'send a message,' regardless of who wins.
    The worst thing that can happen with this election pertains to 'the human factors' involved in the voting process. Will the voters fill out the ballots correctly? Will only one oval be filled in? And if they do not want either candidate, will they pass in a blank ballot, or will they fill in the oval next to a blank write-in space? Will the poll workers count the ballots, conscientiously check voters in and out, and will the zip ties be used at the end of the day? Will the clerk's area be monitored, not to prevent tampering, but to assure there isn't any chance of it? Will the clerk swear in the 'winner' before counting all of the ballots?
    The glass will be half filled if we can at least put one major (costly) issue behind us.

  2. I am one of the people in the "middle" and i agree there are many like us. I see merits to both arguments on the turbine issue and the pack mentality where ppl post snarky comments is really turning me off. There are plenty of nonresidents making up the numbers for both WW & FOFW. Hopefully accountability, facts, consideration for neighboring residents & reason will prevail.

  3. Fairhaven isn't the only town in Massachusetts facing issues with these large megawatt turbines. These projects end up with neighbor against neighbor over health-noise and finance issues.

    Who do you blame? I blame the state of Massachusetts for providing the cities and towns with model wind turbine by-laws that had poor setback requirements. The state has admitted as much as the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center now recommends 2000 feet as the setback from megawatt turbines.

    All the cards need to be on the table for public review.

    1. Is the town really getting anywhere near the financial gain from the turbine as was originally predicted ? NO

    2. Did anyone ever think these turbines would really be this loud ? NO

    3. Did anyone ever think the legal expenses for the wind turbine could equal any profit from the turbines ? NO

  4. Exactly what does putting those cards on the table do to solve the problem?

    Please explain to me what a review of those cards does to solve the issue?

    All potentially valid points not to do it again.

    Not a single valid point to justify a breach of contract, or in my opinion a cease and desist.

    1. The knowledge of one is the knowledge of all.

      Right now people are pointing fingers at each other making all kinds of arguments and accusations.

      Does anyone at this point even know what is fact or fiction ?

      Place all the cards on the table face up and see what they read. All the players see the cards and what's most important is the biggest player of all the Fairhaven taxpayer gets to see if that are even in the game.

    2. The knowledge of one is the knowledge of all? Seriously?

      By all means, let's put the cards on the table and ask the taxpayers if they are willing to pay.

      If you are asking the Fairhaven taxpayer to read the cards, I am going to go out on a limb and say the Fairhaven tax payers will take a look at those cards and decide it ain't worth an 8 figure remedy much the same way the Falmouth taxpayers decided.

    3. The knowledge of one is the knowledge of all?
      Someone (the BOH at least) surely has the knowledge.
      Is it the knowledge of all? Right now, I doubt it.
      The Fairhaven taxpayers are in the game, but we don't get to move the pawn.

  5. Looks like some people are looking for a seer to solve our problems,I will put in a call to Myrna Lamb on Providence radio to get her opinion on our dilemna. Again it will be 50/50 on the responses to her readings of the cards depending on what sign the town of Fairhaven is.Problem solved I think not...


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