
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Waiting for the morning after.

Tired of the same stuff day after day.  Me too.

Well the town made it into yet another prominent article in The Standard Times. Page A2, and nothing about elections or turbines to boot.  This one was for some positive news.  Fairhaven will share in an $890,000 grant with Middleboro.  The town has done pretty well under this grant program in recent years.

Back to the same old stuff now.  Like a broken record

Board of Health meeting tonight.  Pivotal in many ways, whether a sorely needed decision gets made or not.

How that meeting will flow will be interesting.  Based on the agenda, executive session for the wind turbines is listed before the open session for the turbines.

Assuming past practice and attendance, there will be a nice community gathering for about an hour or so at town hall.

Back to being pivotal.  You can sense it.  The B of H stands alone at this point.  

There is no relief coming from any negotiated settlement.  No Select Board to meet in joint session with. Actually none possible for at least a week.  It isn't a contract decision at this point anyway. 

Three individuals are going to have to do something tonight.  

That something is what makes it pivotal.  Even doing nothing comes out to doing something.  Nothing seals the deal on a number of things running through my mind.  At a minimum another no decision I think stokes the fires of discontent beyond the point of containment.

Reaffirm the June 10th order and as noted over and over again, just about a 100% guaranty to end up in court. As near a certainty as anything you can have in this matter.  

Modify the order, well how it gets modified will certainly determine who has to do a pivot, but a pivot there will have to be.

Que sera, sera folks.  But at least by tomorrow it will be something.

Be safe.


  1. Michelle FurtadoTuesday, July 30, 2013

    What's left to be said? How many times is the community supposed to gather at a BOH meeting with the expectation of hearing something significant concerning the issue at hand, only to find out the people we elected, who know the facts and understand their position within the legal framework can't make a decision. Let's hope for something different tonight. Let's hope any post meeting period doesn't get out of hand. Worst come to worst, it could be a profitable evening at least for someone, if an ice cream truck or snack vendor parked outside the town hall during executive session.

  2. I am tired of the same stuff day after day let's look to the future.

    Everyone is worried about the town losing money from the turbine or going to court over the health issues.

    What would happen if these turbines started having maintenance problems and were shut down for long periods of time ?

    It's understandable the town gets the cash each year for the lease on the land but what about the failure of these turbines to produce the projected power.

    From what I understand these turbines in Fairhaven are not state of the art turbines .

  3. They pay the lease until they are taken down,a plus. No spin no power no money very simple.If they want to keep making money I am sure they will upgrade the facility if there is money to be made ,simple economics.

    1. If the turbines don't spin then how does the Limited Liability Company that owns them make money ? Businesses fail every day.

  4. Hahaha. WE have plenty of neverending free wind.The two turbines are brand new. They are in their infancy as far as hours. They are there to produce power until 2035. They will become more profitable every year as generating prices go up across USA. Time to get used to them. They will outlive some of you. They are not coming down. Bank on that!

  5. Arrgh! The meeting isn't televised??? Channel 18 is static.
    What a gyp!

  6. Not sure when you tried to tune in. Not sure if it went out live. It was very short however.

  7. Tried to tune in at 6:30, and several times after that. Did they decide not to decide tonight...AGAIN???

  8. ”AS the Blade Turns” had technical difficulties this evening. The problem was and still is equipment located at Comcast.
    But the meeting is recorded and ready for the listening audience here


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