
Sunday, September 22, 2013

A stab in the dark.

Okay, it seems that a few people are a bit fired up over the marijuana thing the last couple of days. Perhaps it is time to leave this one for now.  

So what's out there on the horizon for this week?

Selectmen are meeting tomorrow night.  Lot's of stuff on the agenda.  Some routine, some very interesting, and a point or two of the arcane (seriously).  

Finding out what's going on in town folks, at least getting a guide map, is as easy as navigation the meetings and agenda segments on the town website. I grant you that figuring out what is going on can in fact be a bit arcane, but it is life's mysteries that make it interesting, or so they are constantly telling me anyway.

One of the challenges to face the town not in just the coming week, but over the course of the town government study committee, will be the issue raised in the D.O.R. report relative to the elected Board of Public Works.  

One seeming misconception, or perhaps misunderstanding is the fact that no matter what, the Department of Public Works will remain.  The recommendation in no way advocated abolishing the department, or the departmental structure.

There seems to be a great deal of misconception as to what is actually in the report.  Certainly seems to be the most cherry picked document around. I would go so far as to say it was the most misunderstood thing in town, except I happened to hear the several discussions relative to the town's bond rating.  

People seem very content to base arguments for the status quo on past laurels. Even when one of the primary architects for some of those laurels would be the first one to tell you about the cliff our bond rating is hanging over.

As to other laurels handed out about the status quo on another area or two, I am all for giving credit where credit is due.  I am also a firm believer in the concept that even a blind squirrel can gather up a nut once in a while.

Before you decide to bring out the scales to measure all the pluses, make sure the minuses aren't going to outweigh them.

Enough vague talk.  The down pour and lightening has just started time to head into the house.

Be Safe.

1 comment:

  1. between the Board of Public Works .superintendent,an executive secretary all the work needed has been accomplished by oversight on all parties..The pot discussions are comical and needed during these trying times ..


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