
Monday, September 23, 2013

Stage Direction

All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts.

So are written the beginning lines to a classical scene from the great bard. Waxing a bit less poetically than Shakespeare, occasionally my mind runs through a similar monologue.   

If indeed life is a seven act play, it is one composed of many more scenes. We all would do best to remember the fact we are in essence just one of many players in an extremely large ensemble cast, required by chance and circumstance to adapt to how we play our parts as the play unfolds.

So anyway, here I am this A.M. running through a few lines for today's act, thinking that this drama could certainly use a new script writer.  I suppose it would help to remember that life is really more akin to an improve show than a set piece.

Okay, reverting back to some serious stuff, our selectmen meet tonight.  May have told you that yesterday. Tomorrow the Planning Board meets, and one of the items on its agenda under long term planning is the a topic addressed in the past several posts.  Also topic addressed in a piece in today's Standard times.

I promise, this isn't going to turn into another puff piece on the matter.

Wandering off again ...

Anyway, we do have quite an ensemble in town, each dealing with focused segments.  Many little scenes played out on a day to day basis.  It is an epic production with a large cast of characters, even for a small Town.

The available roles are diverse and many.  Despite the spirit of volunteerism I have heard exalted recently, there aren't enough actors to fill the roles.

Each act in the play has its own director.  The result is while the theme is carried throughout the entire production, the whole show is very lacking in cohesion and clarity.While improv has its place, and is at times needed, there is a basic script that has to be followed from scene to scene, act to act.

If you haven't got a clue as to what today's little piece is all about, or were it is heading, you are not all alone.

It may not be a bad thing at this point in the production.

We will all just have to wait and see how it all plays out.

Enough for today.

Be safe.


  1. How many actors take on a role strictly for their own gains? How many actors quit in the middle of the production when things don't go their way? How many actors leave the production for unbeknownst reasons before the final curtain?
    Actors are a dime a dozen. Excellent actors, even. Hundreds of actors vie for a role (job) daily. And only one will earn the spot.
    Not so in the daily role of politics. There are only a few who are courageous enough to take a position. And not only take the position, but are willing to see their terms through.
    A million actors, one role. Multiple positions, not enough serious 'actors.'

  2. The play is all about money.How much can we squeeze the taxpayers to pay the workers,many are not taxpayers .Some are good workers some are not. They are all actors in one sense or another so the play or their work ethics vary...


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