
Monday, December 30, 2013

Nearing the finish line

Trying to gear up a bit for one of my resolutions, i.e.e get back into the blogging habit.  

The new year does hold some promise relative to "topics".  But promising new years come and go.  The promise of a new year is getting just a bit cliched.  Yes indeed every new year is in fact different.  I just wish the difference had more to do with changes other than simply the change in the calendar.

But the prospects exist for more than just a "different" day. While there seems to be a bit of complacency settling back in for some, there has nonetheless been some subtle changes.  While the boat that is town government doesn't seem to be rocking as much right now as say six months again, its path has nonetheless be altered.  If not radically, at least to the extent there will be at a minimum a slightly different course with more attention to it.

No matter what the eventual recommendations and outcome for action resulting from the formation of the Town Government Study Committee, its existence, at a minimum has exposed some serious cracks in the foundation.

Certain other matters that will need to be dealt with will result in those cracks expanding.  

Like the many old buildings in town,  repair and maintenance is a must in order to keep government from crumbling.  Otherwise you eventually find you have all you have left is a useless shell of what once served you well but can no longer function properly.

In 20 years of involvement, what has to be as frustrating as anything else is to hear as a reason or an excuse, "That's how we have always done it.", "often times followed with "It has always worked in the past".

We discuss problems to what end exactly.  I cringe every time I hear "You can't do that" because more often than not it simply means someone doesn't want to do that. Too often the concept of what is best for the Town is lost in the sub-component of what is best for the individual person, group, department or committee.

Pick any single department, or cause you want, to further its goals and aims so you end up with the best possible will in the vast majority of times result in diversion of funds or effort from someone or something else. It is that simple pie concept folks.

Cut it up anyway you want to, but a twelve inch pie stays a twelve inch pie no matter how you slice it.  Invite more people to the table and it means everyone gets a smaller piece.  Decide one person is more deserving than others, well the others have to get a smaller piece.

Nothing wrong with that concept either.  You just have to realize the end result, and be willing to face and deal with the fairness argument.

Before I ago, anyone is welcome to continue to expand on yesterday 's lite topic of the year in review.  I will throw into the mix it might be nice to hear what you see as the 2014 "hot button" issues.  Give it a whirl.

Enough for today.

Be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Where might i start! Union wharf, more money for the never ending project.Two abandoned school buildings with no future uses,just more funds for more studies to find uses for the two white elephants.Rumors of a need for new safety building without finding a use for the old place,sound familiar.


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