
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why was the leaky ship being towed across the road?

Okay, I missed substantially all of the selectmen's meeting last night.  I think I have to add to my prior list of resolutions so it includes getting back into the habit of making the meetings must see T.V.  Not sure of the particulars, but I did get two "Did you see that" type e-mails.  Since I didn't see it, I suppose I will have to make the attempt to watch the tape.  

Anyway ...

It is New Year's Eve in case you didn't know. It is one of those "special" days that holds different meaning for different people.  It is certainly a day of reflection for many.  It is a day of wishes also, of resolution, of good intentions.   We won't address the destination the road for the last one of those usually leads to,

The year 2013 ends, and let's face it, it has been a real quirky year. On the political front the year started on what looked like a certain, albeit bumpy, path for a set of predictions for the April election. Apparently a few people weren't paying attention to the bumps in the road, and some other things.  By mid-March the whole course of the election had changed.  By April 1st, well ...more quirkiness.

Last May we saw what will probably be the last really smooth T.M. for a few years. I don't see acceptance of reality being taken as the position for some.  Indeed, the STM to be held in February will provide an indication of just how many bumps will exist come May.

We end the calendar year with a target goal for spending next fiscal year.  It is a pretty easy target actually. Essentially spending everything you can raise.  The problems will arise as how to parcel out the amount, as usual of course.  The new twist this year will be the goal for $300k for the "new" capital improvement plan, and as soon as we know what that plan is we will get to it.

We have seen some "old" committees disbanded, some new ones formed, some even consolidated.

Lots of ideas have been raised during the year.  Few ideas have yet been brought to implementation.

Old controversies continued throughout the year and will exist during the next year.

Too many examples of the pot calling the kettle black, and the right back at it have been seen.

The moral high ground has been claimed by so many that the mountain top has been flattened to a very wide plateau.

We have seen expert games of dodge ball played on issues the players have no business being involved in and exhibition matches by armatures on issues best left to the experts.

Let us not forget the never ending game of "hot potato".

With the formation of the Town Government Study Committee, the town was set down a new road.  That committee's recommendations in the first instance, and how the same are received will determine whether that road leads to a sort of redemption or perdition. Might be a bit of overkill to describe it in those terms, but hey ... chalk it up to dramatic license.

The year ends with the town squarely facing a number of issues about its government. Camps are being set up over anticipated battles to be fought.

I hear repeatedly, if it is working so why fix it.  That statement simply ignores the primary reason why it is working. Like it or not, the primary reason is the person sitting in the cubbyhole office in Town Hall.  It isn't the system, it isn't the structure, it isn't all the volunteer boards and committees and elected officials.  

We are all afloat on a very leaky ship.  The fact we have so many "hands" bailing water is in many ways the reason why the ship is still afloat. But it doesn't solve the problem. Like any leak however, if you don't pug it, it only gets bigger, and sooner or later, that ship will sink.

It is what it is.  what it will become remains to be seen.

Enough for today.

While I end most post with a "Be Safe" I do so today with an added "Be Smart".

1 comment:

  1. As a town, we've become accustom to good benefits and services that we've taken for granted. It will be very interesting to see how the voting body labels priorities. The majority of individuals who will 'feel the pain' this year will be those working in the public sector. A lot of people who earn their living in the private sector have already been feeling the pinch for months, while watching it coming for years.
    It can't be a surprise to anyone anymore that something has to go. What's been more surprising is how many years the money's been distributed as smoothly as it has been.
    The fact remains- you can't spend what you don't have.


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