
Thursday, January 26, 2012

An Old Fashioned Debate & Other Matters

An Old Fashioned Debate

In a previous post I lamented the fact that there no longer are any old fashioned style debates.  The more I think about it, the more I realize that this truly is a shame.

Imagine two debate panels.  Imagine a debate moderator.  Imagine further questions geared to making someone prove a point. Each side submits a series of questions for the moderator to ask the other.

Flip a coin.  Winner decides whether they answer the first question or not.  Question asked, answer given.  Opposing view then has the opportunity to cross-exam the position.

I am not talking about soundbite answers and rebuttals.  No attempt to hide behind smoke and mirrors.  Because either side will be able, should be able to destroy such a dodge on cross.

Certainly there would be an audience, but as an observer.  Remember each side is submitting questions to the other.

Who could moderate?  I am sure both sides should at least be able to agree on that (could even be a panel for that also).  What questions?  One of the functions of the agreed to moderator(s), in addition to establishing the ground rules within the proper debate process, would be to meet with the two sides prior to the debate to go over the questions as to form and substance.

Might seem a bit foolish at this point on one certain issue, but I don't think so.

Other Matters

Windwise will be holding its own forum on the turbine issue.   The date I understand is still in flux, although some have published as being held February 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the V.F.W.

Rumor mill has it the field for the selectmen's race will in fact be dwindling by one.  Again, remember nothing is final until papers are due!

Candidates' nights should be very interesting this year.  With all the contested races and the number of people running, the crowds should be large.  As it is year in and year out, in every town and city in the country, each candidate will (or should) have his or her supporters out in full force.

For may people this is going to be a one issue race.  There is a lot that could be said about that, but people are free to vote for a candidate based upon whatever reasoning they want.

One of the things everyone should be thinking about, and should hopefully consider are the less than wonderful numbers handed down in the Governor's proposed budget for local aid to Fairhaven.   If your a candidate for any office you should be aware of how this is going to impact what you plan to do.

1 comment:

  1. I'd just like to note that while there is a group in town proposing a Town Meeting article on term limits, the last time I checked there were TWO open seats available for Planning Board and only ONE candidate with nomination papers out.

    Sine the Planning Board was a party named in one of the wind turbine lawsuits, one might think there would be interest in this opening. Does the group in favor of term limits realize that once EVERYONE'S terms are over there have to other people willing to fill them?


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