
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday's Odds and Ends

Okay, this has been a bit of a jumbled week for me.  It is kind of a "workcation" week.  If you have school age kids you get that.

Today is also a light duty day as far as blogging.  If you tuned in expecting earth shattering tidbits you are out of luck. Although you could follow the comment chain from yesterday's article.  Otherwise, you will have to content yourself with the below.

Several things I want to bring up:

Difficulty Commenting?

If you have tried to make a comment and have had difficulty, check the browser setting you are using, or try a different browser.  If you are using google chrome or Internet explorer there shouldn't be an issue.  Some of the other browsers out there may have security settings that will keep you from commenting, or make it more difficult.

Guest Authors?

I am reaching a point where an everyday post is probably not going to continue to be an everyday thing (I know, I have said it before).  I am going to do my best, however as we are all aware time is a commodity of which there is not enough of.

So, in the interest of trying to keep things interesting, I have several ideas.  The most appealing one is having guest bloggers.  You would need a google account, you will need to sign your name.

It doesn't have to be Fairhaven related.  It doesn't have to be controversial.  Just make it interesting.

You will have to submit the blog for review prior to it being posted.  The rules will be a bit different than for comments.  This isn't a newspaper.  It is a personal blog.  That simple.  there will be an appropriate disclaimer which you get to see before posting

The post would be subject to editing, but I wouldn't "edit" one without the author's permission.  He or she would have the choice of having the edited post published or not.  

This doesn't mean you have to be in agreement with me on an issue, what it does mean is I intend to retain control of my blog.  It also means opinion pieces are fine, but you may also have to back up the facts of statements.  If you don't agree with that, don't try to post.  If you have a complaint about the ground rules, save it.  You can start your own blog.

If you are interested, send me your piece via e-mail.  I will get back to you with more particulars.


Anyone with an issue they would like to see addressed?  Of course you could be a guest author, but if not inclined, I am always looking for ideas.  It doesn't have to be about Fairhaven.  

Waxing Poetically

I had thought about offering a piece or two of insight to those seeking office and what to expect.  After reading what was written, it seemed a bit self-indulgent so, you are on your own, and probably better off for it.

I then started on another matter, but it was a bit over the top.  At some point though I think going a bit over the top may be exactly what is needed. We will see.  


  1. Okay, I'm interested in the Charter Commission or Home Rules Amendment and, yes, it will be time consuming. I got the petitions today and 1,634 signatures would be needed. I understand that everyone is busy with elections, however, we would have until September. This is about...can we make things better and not about what side of the fence you are on. It just might be the vehicle or platform to resolve contentions in Fairhaven.

    In short, it's a process by which a panel forms for the sole purpose of evaluating the current (Town Government) system, researching other forms of government within the Commonwealth, and creating a plan for improvement (using best practices) and giving a summary to the taxpayers. The summary would then be put to a ballot for adoption.

    I was reading the minutes to charter commissions in towns such as Watertown, Plymouth, Attleboro, and so on. The process seems to take a little over a year to 18 months (average) and the panel typically meets bi-weekly. So, it's a pretty big time commitment. The panel can act independently and there can not be political affiliations (as far as I know).

    I spent some time researching Charter Commissions in other parts of the state to see if it would be a good idea to bring one together in Fairhaven. I am still figuring this out so would be open to any/all help.

    I am just wondering, who else is interested and at what capacity? Would you want to help by signing the petition, helping to get signatures, run for the panel, etc.

    John, did anyone tell you they were interested? I think it is a good idea and do understand that we are all busy with elections. I will work with anyone, don't care what side your on. I just think we are all worth the effort.


  2. Anyone reading the above comment, who is truly interested in seeing Fairhaven move forward, in becoming the best it can, should be extremely interested and willing to help out.

    On this particular matter it shouldn't have anything to do with what side of the fence you are on any issue.

    It has been over 25 years since there has been any serious look at town government. You don't have to agree with any proposals out there to understand that times have changed significantly in that period.

    This would be the first step in a several step process. It is needed. Whatever changes will have to be approved by the voters. People will have to run for the commission.

    But no significant study or change can occur without this first step.

    There should be no fences keeping people apart on this one!

    And a personal thanks to Sharon, for making the effort, for reaching out, and for taking the most important step in this process, the very first one.

  3. I am also interested in exploring a Charter Commission with all that entails, and know that I have met others who are interested in looking into this so let's discuss how to connect people into the conversation. I can be reached at

  4. I think this is a good idea and I am interested in helping gather signatures, if needed. Matt Richard-Precinct 3


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