
Friday, December 7, 2012

A little of This and That

Selectmen's race in April:  two "active" candidates right now.  Incumbent Dr. Brian Bowcock and current Board of Public Works Commissioner Geoff Hayworth.  I use the word "active" vs. "actual" because until papers are taken out and returned, there are no actual candidates.

Very interesting dynamics so far though.  Both are elected officials, both have records they will run on and most assuredly will be attempted to be used against them.  I have a gut feeling this is going to be more than a two person race, but even if that is all it is, it should be a "good" one from the political junkie perspective.

A significant decision has been handed down in the wind turbine lawsuit.  According to the article in the Standard Times this morning, the Superior Court Judge hearing the case has ruled that the fact the legal description in the warrant article approving the lease site for the turbines did not match the actual location was a "technical" error that did not rise to the level of being grounds to invalidate the lease.  It seems the decision was based in large part on the tape of the actual Town Meeting which shows the fact that despite the written description, the presentation to Town Meeting clearly informed Town Meeting of where the turbines would be sited.  

To the portion of the opinion in the paper from Judge McDonald:
"The essence of the issue that was before Town Meeting was whether its members would authorize the lease of town property adjacent to the town's wastewater treatment plant for the construction of turbines," Macdonald wrote. "When the question was proposed, the members of the Town Meeting knew that it was within Lot 9 that the north turbine was being proposed."
The decision of course can be appealed, however unless someone comes up with an error of law, it is unlikely to be overturned.  So where does that leave us in the turbines debate?  the sound study is the last clear chance to stop the blades from turning.  Unless that study shows a violation of the applicable noise levels though, it would seem at best you are going to run into a situation where the turbines will have to be turned off at certain periods.

This issue isn't going to go away, either here or elsewhere.  Both state and federal government are pushing "clean energy".  Right now that is solar and wind.  Everybody wants it, but apparently anywhere but "here".  It is not an problem just related to wind, as the problems with solar location seem to be many.

The problem with the "push", haphazard regulation at best.  

Have you been following the efforts of the local state delegation about and the efforts to get fair/equal treatment for our area on the siting of casino gambling.  You have to wonder why this wasn't the mantra before the law was passed.  You really, really do.  Every complaint being raised, every demand, should have been done so before the vote passing the law.  

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