
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Just the facts, please!

Okay, let's start out with some good news.  Channel 18 is up and running again. Has been for at least a day.  Our program director does a heck of a job with what she is given.

I hope that the primary goal of the resurrected cable advisory committee will to focus on establishing Government access as a full service entity.  Concentrate on what we presently have first.  Make that program better.  Detail goals and objectives. Make recommendations.

Most importantly, seek the input and work with the Program Director.  Don't let you individual wishes and preferences drive the process.

Moving on ... kind of ...

The Govt. Access Candidate's Night did air last night at 7:00.  It will air today again at 7:00 P.M. and presumably every night at that time until March 20th.

You may need to see it every night to watch it enough to get the full impact.  I know I will be watching it again several times.

If you watch it, I would seriously like to know your opinion.  I am not asking for you to comment publicly.  That of course would be fine.  I would like to know what your impression is after viewing.  Send me a private e-mail.  Just don't do it via the links for comment if you don't want it published.

I really want to hear from people though.  I want to know if they have the same impression as I do.    I try to listen with an impartial ear.  I admit I am only human and that sometimes the sounds that ear hears can be a bit different from the actual din being made.

Please, if you are willing, I personally would like to know.

Anyway, the next candidate's night is March 20, 2013.  This one is sponsored by the NFIA.  In the past, the format has been short introductory statements followed by a Q & A session.  Look to the local press for more details.

I have altered my list of priority questions that candidates need to answer.  As was pointed out by the incumbent selectman, the town is faced with the prospect of either finding new revenue or need to make cuts in operation.  Not exactly earth shattering news.

No new revenue source, if you are going to find one, is going to do any good for the upcoming fiscal year, and probably nothing for the year after that.

Certainly one needs to be looking for such things long term.  The question is how to deal with the immediate needs, so just what cuts are being proposed by anyone?

Are you proposing radical cut backs for this year?  Are you looking at a phase in approach?  What is the game plan?

It is 8 weeks until Town Meeting, and more immediate is the fact the election is three weeks away.

Let everyone know what you plan on proposing and how you intend to do it.

Truth be told the challenger is going to have a hard time answering that question.  No matter how involved someone may be with a particular aspect of government, the whole operation is a much bigger creature to deal with.  The incumbent, at this point should be able to answer it with a game plan though.

To the other races .. and there are other races ...

Board of Health ... there are clear distinctions between the candidates.  Quite frankly, I need to do more work on this race myself.  So I will again suggest, as I hope I always do, that we pay attention to what is said, we do our homework, and we actually try to decide based on the real facts.

School Committee ... three people running for two positions.  There are clear distinctions between the candidates.  So I will again suggest, as I hope I always do, that we pay attention to what is said, we do our homework, and we actually try to decide based on the real facts (not quite verbatim by the way).

Planning Board (one year unexpired) ... see above.

If anyone is looking for endorsements at this point, forget it.  Do your homework.  As to the candidates, the one thing I personally want to hear is what are you going to do for the position you are running for.

Our Town has a bunch of issues.  Most people understand that.  Every position plays a role in resolving those issues, but the roles for some are much bigger (and for some so very very small, as compared to others).

Make me understand that you in fact understand the job you are running for.  Tell me how you intend to do that job.

Speaking of understanding something.  I have had several people ask me what about the FOG waste and the dangers and its volatility.  I could really go on a tear on this issue.  I won't.  What I will do is suggest you get the facts.  Google the terms "FOG waste"  "FOG waste fuel"  "FOG volatile".

The English language is such a wonderful and diverse thing.  It is amazing how a word like "volatile" can be used correctly yet in a manner which also implies a completely different concept than the correct one.

Okay enough on this, at least for the moment.

Winter had its last, or at lest latest shot at us yesterday. The effects will be short lived as far as the white stuff on the ground.  Just remember the driving conditions in the morning may still be slick.

Be Safe!

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