
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Over the hump, and now the mountain

"All we want are the facts, ma'am".  How you color them is of course your opinion, but when you do color them realize that is what tends to to get people to start to form their own opinions about those facts and you.

The absolute worse thing that you can do is present a statement as fact that is quickly discovered not to be, or is known not to be by the majority of listeners/readers.  Over the years I have repeatedly seen this mistake made.  I have also seen numerous winning points/arguments go down in defeat because of this miscue, and unfortunately more than just a few that really should have prevailed.

Know when you need to keep preaching to the choir and when you should stop preaching to the choir and re-write the sermon to appeal to a wider audience.  An extremely difficult concept to grasp, master and execute. Put another way, know your target audience.

Yes the faithful need encouragement, morale boasting and at times a reminder of the tenents of their beliefs.  The core always needs to remain in tact.  To get the converts that are essential to the goal in mind, one needs to tailor the sermon to them.

Nothing in here today that is an earth shattering revelation. Nothing that has not been said by many others much wiser and much more articulately over the millennium.

To lighten it up a bit, tell me where the quote that starts this piece comes from (be precise). 

Shifting gears ...

It is going to be an interesting June in our Town, no getting around that.  Nothing wrong with that either, so long as what keeps it interesting stays within the realm of reality and we don't step into another episode of the "Twilight Zone".

All of a sudden I am out of time so hat's it for today.  Stay Dry. Be Safe.


  1. The voting public in Fairhaven is by far much more educated than just a few years ago. A new study will decide exactly what changes hold in the future.

    Fairhaven today looks like a scene right out of a Mary Poppins musical. The month of June will have several unexpected twists just like the Twilight Zone.

    Profound changes have happened in Fairhaven politics in the past few years.You wonder if the town should adopt a new motto : “anything can happen if you let it.”

  2. Michelle FurtadoWednesday, May 29, 2013

    The future of our town will be 'Twilight Zone-ish' interesting if we let some in authoritative positions get away with things that they are supposed to keep under control. (a.k.a. If they don't do the 'right thing' for the people they serve.) And I'm not talking about the BOH, Selectmen, or Planning Board. So all of you can relax tonight.
    The quote at the beginning of the piece, might be from the 50's NBC television classic, "Dragnet." The phrase was used by Jack Webb's character 'Joe Friday.'
    Now, back to researching CCSS....

    1. Michelle FurtadoWednesday, May 29, 2013

      Come on, John, did I get the source of the quote right? And to think, a little over a year ago, I didn't even know how to 'Google.'
      Oh well, right or wrong, in the scheme of things it really doesn't matter. Back to what does- CCSS.

    2. Was it 'Joe,' or Jack' Friday?


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