
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday's version of reality

Less than three weeks to go. So very, very thankfully less than three weeks to go (I am referring to the special election, just in case you have been in suspended animation in town for the past five months).

Based on more and more conversations I have been having with different people, there truly is a sentiment one could actually describe as a silent majority.  

The problem with that is, as I tell everyone I speak to, sentiment doesn't equal votes.  Unless people go to the polls, the only sentiment that will be weighed will be that expressed by the results of the election.

This election is going to be pivotal in town.  This is a somewhat different position than I had several weeks ago, however swirling the tea in the cup this morning, the leaves seems to be changing when settling. Even the chatter on the street is reflecting that perception change.

People are fed up with it all. Some have had there fill of the seemingly never ending saga, or some cite various other reasons. Some people are tired and angry. Some are tired and disappointed, or frustrated, perplexed, disillusioned, and a host of other things and a combination of many things, that include being tired of it.

They are tired of picking up the paper each day wondering what has hit the headlines.  Unfortunately today The Standard Times contains yet another election/turbine related story

Miscues and lack of procedure seem not to be the sole province of any one individual or entity in town.   Apparently there are at least 16 others to join in (A note to anyone who wishes to comment.  If you have any inclination to name names you best have a verifiable reference).

The information in the S-T story isn't going to help matters along in any way to help the healing or unity process. 

Indeed, a true conspiracy theorist could have an absolute field day with the story.  

A political pundit could take the day off from work and call in a scathing editorial with little effort.

I think it is enough to say it is just another log to fuel the political fire raging in town.  I might add though that one does not promote good politics by skirting the campaign and political finance laws.

I suspect it isn't the last log to get thrown on that fire.  These things have a tendency to follow the tit for tat rule of thumb, and if the rumor mill is true there have been various other complaints filed by people on either side of the fire.

The particular story does highlight certain points of shall we say contradiction in a number of arguments that have been made since the April campaigns began and through the "political" campaign soon to be over.  

Quite frankly, I am fighting the temptation to throw a few more logs onto the fire right now.  I will settle for the bits and pieces of kindling scattered above.

Enough for today.

Be safe.


  1. Two sentences from the same paragraph of the Standard-Times story say it all:

    “She [Dawn Devlin] said the PAC will focus on issues of government transparency….”

    “The PAC will endorse a candidate…but Devlin would not say which candidate that would be.”

  2. What's notable about the second quote? Nothing. While the other PAC does not put $$ behind a candidate, have they not let their opinion be known? Signs and ads don't vote. Which group endorses which candidate will not determine the outcome of the election. To think it does is insulting to informed, independent-minded voters.

  3. What's notable is they want "transparency" but won't announce in the newspaper who they support. I guess it's only others who have to be open and transparent.

    They seem not to comprehend the irony of that paragraph.

  4. Gee, I wonder who 'that' PAC will endorse? Not everyone takes her statement as a cover-up. I'm sure after the slap on the wrist they received, their endorsement will be properly documented.
    When the election is over, will both sides get beyond 'the person who fills the seat,' to focus on the issues?

  5. The words open an transparent always see to surface during voting time an budget time.After the elections an town meeting votes smoke an mirrors an locked doors are prevalent.Maybe its time to rekindle the fires again,once its burnt you can't reburn it..

  6. I guess we are off the hook for now,the ST has rekindled the flames over Fairhaven,24% rate increase for water an sewer. Its a good thing the regular elections are in the future,most voters will forget what happened by then.

  7. There is another log on the fire from your local newspaper. The story is off a little. It's not actually 24%.

    But the newspaper threw in the $400,000.00 question.

    The Water and Sewer has to pay the town 400 grand that they had been paid to the town for past years. The state said the W&S has to pay their own way. Now the W&S needs 400 thousand.

    Now the Town Meeting Members put 400 thousand towards the Digester program .

    Now comes the spin from the wind turbine people. Originally the Town Meeting had been told the turbines could make much more than the 150,000 that came in this year. The point here is the lack of 400 thousand from the turbine, the 400 thousand the W&S has to pay the town and 400 thousand going to the Digester program.

    Starting to look like a shell game and the 400 thousand isn't under any of the shells - How else do you see it ?

  8. What are the real numbers ,an is this a one time deal for the $400000 and then the rates revert back plus the actual yearly costs S&W owe the town. When will the real numbers be available to the ratepayers.


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