
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wednesday's post, just a little bit late

Supposedly the federal budget crisis is over. Until January anyway.

Sooner or later those in Washington are going to have to sit down and actually deal with the underlying problems, and I don't mean the ACA either.  It is no more or less than another stone on a very big pile.  I could never quiet grasp the fact that this particular piece of legislation was used as the rallying point for the far right.

Anyway ... piece and quiet through the holidays ... on that front anyway.

In case you aren't aware of it, according to the Town calendar there is another forum being held by the Government Study Committee tonight. It is listed for a 6:00 P.M. start at the Nemasket Group at 56 Bridge Street.  A chance for input people.  A chance to be heard.

A court case over the turbines is back in the news today, at least the Fairhaven Neighborhood News this stuff needs to work through the legal system.

Anyway ... again ...

I am always amazed at what gets people worked up.  The response to Sunday football and the farmer's market was interesting.  I probably let myself get a bit too worked up about it.  What can I say, nothing pushes my buttons more than "private group" issues involving town resources.  Yes I know the property is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the school department.  I got that.

Believe it or not I get a whole lot of things.

I get the fact my priorities and beliefs don't always square with others.  I get the fact that most really do see nothing wrong with tunnel vision for their beliefs.  Why should they, it is the only thing they can see.

Of course, from their point of view, I may be the one looking down the tunnel. Different perspectives.  I do get it.

I also get the fact that this year there may be no real solution.  why should this issue be any different than any other.

Yet I have also been to many places and events, public and private, where different things were happening at different venues and there was reasonable designated parking for both.

I get it that the fact in my world Town first, Town organizations second, and then the queue for private groups may not be the same lineup everyone else is thinking about.

As I find myself thinking more and more on many things, in the end what the heck do I know, and do I really care.  As I find out with each passing day, just a little bit less.

Anyway ...

Be Safe.

1 comment:

  1. The federal government has become too large and there's no accountability for it's actions. There's agencies, and then agencies to oversee those agencies and so on...,
    This past weekend we heard about blatant abuse of the system when the spending limit safeguard on EBT cards failed. Instead of only purchasing what they knew they could, some spent like they had won the lottery.
    There's a lot wrong with the way things are run in Washington. And unfortunately because of the size of government, it's harder and harder to follow. If things don't straighten out soon the parking at the high school will be the least of our worries.


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