
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Falling Back

I was going to take a pass today blogging, but it seems that while DST is no longer in effect, I somehow forgot to change the old internal clock back.  I wonder if it is possible to download a free app for that?

Not the worse thing to have to deal with I suppose.  It is a pleasant enough morning temperature wise, although it seems it may be one of the last like that so dealing with an old time piece that doesn't adjust, I find myself out on the deck and hour earlier than usual.

Events of significance on this weeks horizon. New Bedford's city elections are on Tuesday.  While there is always significance to border towns as to what goes on in the "big" city, and while some of us may have opinions and positions on the various races, I hold to my general rule that a communities elections are best left to the specific community.  

The turnout will be of interest though.  Turnout is always of interest to me in any election.  From that perspective, one could make the point that at least the school committee election there should be generating some interest.  Probably won't though.  Glancing through the articles in today's S-T, the word apathy id dominant.  It is what it is across the bridge, either way you travel.

I continue to see a blurb or two about the supposed mishandling of the murder investigation in town, From my perspective, I first hope such investigation are a rare event in town in the first instance, and then hope they are "mishandled" in the same exact thorough manner.  

Too many people seem to suffer from the "CSI" expectation of wrapping it all up in a single hour episode.

I am not going to say much more on this.  Suffice it to say the release of information in an investigation is like play a perverse game of Goldilocks. Too much, too soon and you spoil it.  Not enough, not soon enough and you are crucified.  Just right, well you will never get it just right for some.  Just what more was expected without jeopardizing the investigation?

Enough on that .. 

BPW and Selectmen meetings on Monday. Discussed the BPW meeting the other day.  

As to the Selectmen's meeting, here is an exercise worth noting.  A way for the public to learn how to grasp a bit of information from just paying a bit of attention.  Take look at the agenda.  See what is on in and look at say the three previous agendas +/-.  I f you are good, you may only need look at one. See if you can figure out a happening based on that.  There are actually several things you can deduce.  If you take a guess and it/they match(es) mine, I will let you know.  

Question(s) of the day, or next day or two if you like: What is the best thing you think that could happen in town over the next year, and why?

If all of the above isn't enough to float your boat, open line format is in play also.

And with that, I think enough for today.

Be safe.


  1. The 'whose responsible for the failure called education' blame game can be debated in many districts. A serious investigation into all school departments would uncover problems. Right now it's NB on the hot seat. Let's face it- throughout the nation there's lousy administrators, teachers, school committee members, parents, and students. If parents want to hold the school committee, which I think is responsible for a portion of the failure in the NB schools, accountable- this is an opportunity to do it.
    I think it's ridiculous when the incumbents say that placement of schools to level 4, or a state takeover is a positive step to making the changes needed in their department. Those adults had an active role in allowing the system to get to where it is. Dr. this and Atty. that it doesn't matter- I wouldn't vote for any of the incumbents.

    Aside from the NB election, the new superintendent stated that she wants to have a 40% improvement in the MCAS scores this year. Unless she can walk on water, I can't imagine that happening. If it does, it would be cause for an investigation.

  2. The political "noise" from Windwise disappears and we have straight out honest elections with candidates whose ideas differ. As it currently stands, their endorsement is a like a kiss from the Godfather. They also cease their litigation efforts, thus decreasing the town's legal counsel costs (thus eliminating the search for new counsel) The WW members then use their infinite energy and pro bono legal expertise to hunt down outstanding tax bills and keep us the town in the black through these difficult times.


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