
Friday, November 8, 2013

Just another Friday

Well, yesterday turned into a light day for comments.  Would have been even lighter if I had adhered to the strict "strict four corners" rule. It is what it is, and what it isn't.

There were three more attempts though at commenting, which didn't make it.Sorry, there is a limit to how far outside the stated boundaries even I am willing to venture.  

Fear not, however, because today will in fact include the open line format, so if someone wants to re comment so to speak, send it in today (DO NOT forget the general comment rules however, found by clicking the page tab above).

Best comment of the day, even though it wasn't on point, was the commentator who was going to play along. There will be some of you out there who might disagree with what was said.  But the commentator did in fact hit several key points we should all consider, whether we agree with all, or just some of the conclusions.  

The key point for me is the initial tendency is to be penny wise and pound foolish.  At least that's what I took as the key point.

Difficult at times to be, especially when a few pennies might make the difference.  

The other point of interest, getting your bang for the buck.  Not quite the same.  

Ignoring the individual pet peeves, and please tr to, do you feel overall, you are getting a bang for your buck?

Again let's at least try to hone in as to "overall"  Need for improvement? Sure, one should always strive for improvements and efficiency.   Certainly feel free to comment on that aspect.

What else for today?

Is there anyone out there who feels we don;t need a town administrator?  Forget the sticky wicket about the BPW.  One way or another that aspect of potential change is not insurmountable.  Does a town administrator make sense at this point, after perhaps having to give some thought to it being a real possibility?

Whatever happens, there is going to be shell shock in this town we the current executive secretary leaves. Why you might ask? Let's see if you have an answer for that one.  Keep it relevant and don't turn it into a personal attack.  

Anyway ...

I think that is it for today.  Too chilly this morning. 

Be safe.


  1. The current executive secretary had his roots in the DPW,and went forward from there.He has knowledge it seems of every department in town an sometimes it seems he should fall back and let them do there jobs.This hiring of a town administrator who will only do what he is paid for.The departments heads will then have to perform without the expertise they received from the executive secretary.We could make the change an then hire consultants like other towns do to pick up the loose ends.This is my opinion and of course I could be all wet maybe...Waiting for someone to agree or disagree..

  2. I agree he has extensive knowledge of the departments. From what I've heard, whether he is too involved in other departments more than he ought to be depends who you talk to.

  3. Its like the 2013 Red Sox,if everyone steps up to the plate and plays team ball for the town they could probably do without the present executive secretary and a new town administrator. We can all wish for the status quo but as we know that never seems to work.

    1. I like the team concept. Not sure even the 2013 Red Sox could have done it without the manager in place. Some will argue that some teams manage themselves to success. Few and far between though I think, if any at all. Even examples of the same involve certain decisions made by someone to let things go a certain way. I like the status quo observation too.

    2. IF a team was to successfully manage itself that's one thing. But what happens when it's not running successfully? Would all the players equally take the blame?


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