First and foremost, have a bit of patience today folks. With everyone. Even I am going to try and follow that bit of advice. It is nasty out there. It will be nasty for awhile. This is the type of storm where drifting snow snow makes clean up difficult at best; and, at 5:30 A.M. it is still snowing.
I haven't made any attempt at snow shoveling (okay, using the snow blower), although I have done the back deck twice. Our dogs insist on a clear path for their constitutionals.
Just heard on the radio at 6:00 A.M. we could get up to another 6 inches before this is all over. If it has to come keep it light and fluffy.
It will be what it will be, and what it shouldn't be is a reason to get upset over what you can't control.
Anyway ...
As you can tell from the time updates, I am doing this piece in bits and pieces.
As a heads up, just heard that Town Hall will be closed (along with the Rec Center and I heard earlier the Library).
Since there is some very heavy lifting to be done later today, I think that I will end this fluff piece right here. Be safe, be smart in clearing the snow, and chill a bit today (that shouldn't be hard to do at all).
Our street WAS plowed beautifully earlier, but now our neighbor is snow blowing the contents of his driveway and sidewalk into the street! Use common sense people....