
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Best Guess

Well we start the day to day, again wondering.  This time how ever it is over the more immediate things in life, i.e. Just how much snow are we going to end up with.

At 4:00 A.M. this morning the dusting on the ground was all the snow I personally needed to see. Unfortunately the forecasters are calling for just a bit more than that, and it appears this time they weather folks are going to be right.  What the heck, even a blind squirrel right.

Paying attention to some of the chit chat last night, the divided minions were either screaming for an early cancellation of school or begging for no cancellation.  As I told a very interested party in the matter last night, with an expected 1" to 3" during the day, and given the fact that Christmas was last week, you are looking for another gift about a year early.

Friday is another matter though.  With the snow not expected to end until mid-morning tomorrow per the qualified experts, unless you are the family member designated as the snow clean up crew, the kiddies have a long weekend coming, and a whole bunch of people are going to have at a minimum a very delayed start.

You might be asking yourself why the heck is he writing about the weather. The answer is, in part, that Thursday's is usually get an idea from the FNN day.  There is no FNN today, again. The weather is an easy substitute.

The other reason, well the numbers actually. Numbers mean different things to different people. Sometimes the numbers are of no concern at all.  X miles of roads divided by Y number of plows equals a whole lot though.  In time, effort and money.

The phones I am sure will be ringing off the hook tomorrow morning, wanting to know why a street hasn't been plowed yet.  Odds are it will be the same reason some people get their garbage picked up first thing in the morning and some people don't have it happen until the end of the day.   

The plows run routes, and depending on where you are on the route dictates when it gets done.  Well that is how it works in theory I am told.

The only gripe I have with the snowplowing in this town is why does it seem just as I have cleared the entrance to the driveway, the plow comes right down the street again.  I think there is a spy satellite trained on my house that sends a signal.

I can sense a few heads bobbing up and down and voice saying yep, you got that right.  

In the end, it all comes down to costs. How much does it cost and how much are you willing to pay?  This applies to snow plowing, police, fire, ambulance and everything else.  We all want the best.  Indeed we expect the best, after all that's what we pay taxes for.  

Except the amount of taxes you pay isn't enough to provide the best for everything. It is that simple really.

It is also all there is for today.

Be Safe!

1 comment:

  1. This minion wanted a (two) snow day(s) actually. There probably should have been one since part of the school day was spent "sharing" with classmates who got what and who did what during the Christmas break. It might have been more productive for the students to stay home and help shovel. At least they'll have the opportunity to do that tomorrow.
    The roads are still in great shape. Tax dollars in action.


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