
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Let it snow, you might as well.

Well seems the weather did not permit attending or watching the selectmen's meeting. The meeting has been kicked over to Thursday, February 6, 2014, which will have my own schedule preventing me from watching or attending.  It is what it is folks.

Been hearing a bunch of the "in my day stories" about the weather, cancellations at the drop of a snowflake, walking to school in deep deep snow.  By the way, most of those knee deep stories have some truth to it. Of course most of those knees where a few inches closer to the ground when you were walking to school also.

Again, it is what it is.  Right now it is winter in New England, and I for one have had enough of it. Unfortunately the forecast for the week indicates winter hasn't quite had enough.

The Town bulletin board is again showing a call for members for the Town Government Study Committee. this notice seems to indicate the committee needs a full member.  Last notice clearly indicated alternates were sought.  The town website shows six full members now listed with one alternate. 

Anyway, if you have interest, check out the notice on the website.

Have you checked out the STM warrant yet? It is posted online. I note this simply for informational purposes and to make a point.  The information is out there.  The information process, which still could be improved, has improved leaps and bounds.

This point is specifically for some who continue to complain "I didn't know".  More specifically about some who take to the internet to make the complaint "I didn't know".  If you have the access and savvy to make the complaint, you have the access and savvy to stay informed, especially when you are seen posting stuff from a variety of web sites.  If you have the time to search and surf for fun tidbits and things to make a point, you have the time to look for the information as posted.

Just a personal rant and pet peeve on an issue that is in fact getting a bit tiring, at least as presented by some; and, please note I acknowledge there is room for improvement, however a little effort will get you a whole lot right now.

What else?

A person raised the dog park committee in a comment the other day.  Been some back and forth on it. First, you shouldn't fault individuals for the attempt.  The committee became a committee by selectmen forming a committee.  

That is what we do in this town.  Have an idea? Have the selectmen form a committee.  

Whether the idea flies will depend on the how, the why and yes, the cost.

Now, as far as personal thoughts, let me say in the spirit of full disclosure that we have two dogs.  Do I feel there is a town need for a dog park.  The answer is no.  There may be a family member or two who disagree with me on that by the way.  Not sure.

But as far as the town needing a dog park, absolutely not.  People who own dogs may need a park, the town doesn't.  Call it the scrooge factor, call it neighborly, call it anything you want, however you will never convince me that a town, city or other form of government has a duty or obligation to provide facilities for peoples pets.

What a town, city or other form of government has a duty or obligation to provide facilities for is unfortunately to deal with irresponsible peoples pets.

We will see, and until we see no sense blowing a gasket.

Late again today.

Be safe.


  1. No offense to anyone who has an idea and is willing to pursue it.

    But it isn't the government's job or responsibility to foot the bill for any group's whimsy.

    As I stated before, why doesn't a group of entrepreneurs build, run, and maintain a doggie/master social center. Members can pay dues to belong to the club. If not, then have the committee explain where the funding to build and maintain the area will come from. Is there a department head reading this who wants to give up any percentage of their budget to support it?

    If it were completely and eternally free from cost, then I guess why not? But to build it will add to the town's bottom line sooner or later, and where is the funding coming from?

  2. I get your point. I see your point. I believe one can reasonably construe what I wrote in the post as agreeing with your point. The bottom line, cost and otherwise is the simple fact that the decision in the end may in fact ultimately rest with town meeting. So let it be pursued since people were given the green light by the selectmen to pursue it, i.e. the committee. Your ultimate question is in fact one that will have to be answered at some point.

  3. Good point about the distance students now live from the schools. I remember having to walk home for lunch in elementary school and yes, it didn't seem like school was cancelled too frequently. But in the end 180 days of school is still 180 days.

  4. Well town meeting an finances changed the way students go to school.The neighborhood concept is gone an the big box is here to stay .Look familiar,grocery stores an the like preceded the school change over.Walking for health is being taken over with busing with no benefit.

  5. Walking for health vs. busing with no benefit? Big box concept?

    Rogers school is closed. Time to get over it.

  6. If the argument against the school consolidation is based on 'walking' for health reasons, let's argue to stop the school busses all together, and tell every child to walk to school. That will promote health AND save the schools$$$. Besides- it's the parents' responsibility to care for the health of the child, not the govt.'s. But how many families are out walking?

  7. Its not only students but all of us are impacted by closing local business an forcing us to drive to the big box to satisfy our needs.

  8. Not sure what you mean by this. Care to elaborate?

  9. The reason(s) for school consolidation aren't entirely the same reasons for the closing of local businesses.
    There are a lot of reasons why small businesses close. One of the biggest is lack of business. How many of us are shopping at big box to save a little money?
    What's notable here is that if you go to a school theater event, you'll notice the majority of the sponsors are local businesses. Don't shop them, but have them support our children.
    Who wouldn't like the small quaint shops like in the center of Falmouth? For all of the yesses, who is willing to support them?
    For that matter, maybe the original 5 schools would not have closed if we had voted to sustain that system. I guess in that situation we chose big box.


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