
Monday, April 7, 2014

Pick one, twice.

Election day folks.  No matter what your schedule, no excuse for not voting today.  Polls open 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.  Where do you vote:

Precinct One – Town Hall                                   Precinct Four – Hastings Middle School 
Precinct Two – High School                                Precinct Five – Recreation Center 
Precinct Three – Hastings Middle School              Precinct Six – East Fairhaven School 

Again the polls are open from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

As I have said in the past, I hope you all can prove me wrong on one prediction, and that is turnout.  Pre-poll opening prediction is 16% (and I am thinking I might be overly optimistic here).  

Only two contested races.  The winter weather having dampened the "campaigning" somewhat. The lack of campaigning in the selectmen's race.  The burnout factor from last year's never ending scenarios. The at times it can back fire on you "incumbent" assumption on the part of some voters, i.e. some voters assume the incumbent has a lock on it, so so voters stay home from the polls.

That is in play this year some what.  First, I have run into a number of people whop have been under the assumption that the selectmen's race is unopposed, i.e. lack of any serious campaigning on the part of the opposition.  As to the B of H race, there are a number of people proceeding under the assumption that the September results will automatically play out in this election.  

There is a reason we actually hold these things folks.  So to that end, keep in mind that people are elected not based on opinion polls, but on vote tallies.  

Moving on ...

There was a comment yesterday about the length of the TA article.  Better 5 pages for you to wade through and vote on, than finding out after the fact exactly what was shipped off to Boston and approved on your behalf.  The days of "trust us we know best" should be long gone for everyone.  

There may be some who disagree, but for me this article is the first step to a detailed charter for our town. As such, every single person who votes on this matter, should know, or at least have the opportunity to know, every single provisions of the special legislation to be submitted to Boston that would allow for this change.

You should further know exactly what is being proposed for the BPW.  It is there.  

It is all available, and hopefully it doesn't change too radically between the time of posting, the public hearing process and Town Meeting.

Another comment made mention about the information available.  The hearings and the process has in fact be very "public".  The "public" however has been very absent since the early stages.

The first round of hearings seem to have been fairly well attended for such things.

The first public hearing on the proposed article was reported to be attended by 10 people. Admittedly, I was absent.  I will be absent at thew next one too unfortunately.  Other requirements prevent attendance on the nights scheduled. 

The information is there yes. The "articles" were posted April 1st +/- a couple of days on the town site and the committee site.

I will agree with the principal that no one has a legitimate complaint relative to "lack" of information being out there.  I said way back when, people had and have an obligation to stay informed on this particular matter.

The official specifics begin to be posted with warrant on the Town web site on what, March 28th? 

Here is where the issue of information will come in however.  Town Meeting Members aren't going to get the hard copy until when?  

Right, wrong or indifferent that is when at least 75% of them will be reading the articles of the first time. It is at that time the time concept will come into play.

Life is what it is and it is seldom as pat and dry as we like it, less convenient than would be ideal, and not as perfect as it could be if we could only be the ones directing it.

Related to the last point is the always present perception perspective.  I am hearing a whole lot of different folks different perceptions about this process.  It is extremely interesting to listen to what different people from different parts of town with different concerns feel.  

We shall see, on a whole bunch of stuff too.

Primary focus for the day is back to the Town election though.

It will be telling in several aspects, even with an anticipated small turn out.  

Be surprised at nothing folks, because elections are the one scenarios left that can hold some telling surprises.  

I gave you the expected turnout above.  As always, no disappointment if wrong with that one.  As to race out come, the barometer is pointing to the two incumbents.  Of course this is New England, so the barometer could easily shift as the day goes on.

Just vote, okay?

Be safe.


  1. Let's just hope for a no-drama election, and no fall-out afterward- no matter how it turns out.

  2. What happened to the hospitality candy bowl at the check out desk in precinct 4? No wonder turn out is light.

  3. 19%, at least it was better than 15%. No real surprises in the results. Tomorrow will just be another Tuesday.


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