
Friday, January 15, 2016

Too much of very little

It does seem absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well, it is either that or you are as bored as I am lately.

Anyway ...  If you haven't had your fill of idle key tapping yet this week, here we go again.

I suppose the fact that a piece is appearing today should be a big clue to the fact I did not win the big lottery, or even a little one for that matter. Heck, a couple of more weeks and the winner would have been able to take the cash option and buy the town.

I am not going to dwell on the lost pot of gold. Might of been nice though to at least have managed to get a free ticket out of the thing.  Heck though, every single day you manage to get up is like winning the lottery, or so they say.

Moving on ...

We are definitely at a time when despite the onset of the cold temperatures, things should be heating up a bit in our fair haven.  The crystal ball is showing the five down to four.  

Where  do we go when it really gets going, who knows?

I want ideas.  I personally don't want and we collectively don't need the I will listen, think and decide. All things certainly needed, but if that is going to be the criteria, well heck we ain't ever going to see any real change. 

I want to see a platform based on something more than platitudes. I want substance. 

The I am the best, doesn't fly. Yet when you can't really rely on a record, what else do you say right?

I have had the opportunity to sit and wear a few hats in town.  One thing I will tell you. It ain't easy. In the closest thing to patting myself on the back you will read on these pages, I am going to tell you one thing. It takes a heck of a lot of work.  

It takes face to face contact. It takes personal observation. It takes pouring over volumes of information/data.  It takes more than the ability to simply cherry pick what you like from something. It takes an ability to understand the domino effect. It involves a heck of a lot more than simple constituent service ability, or round table discussions, 

What it is going to take most, with the new system, is the person best able to comply with and deal with the provisions of Section 1 our Special Act

We need to assess each candidate. We need to weigh our vote carefully.  In the end though, like most elections, most votes aren't going to be based on which way the scales tip, are they?

Let's face it, essentially 2/3s of the votes that are going to be cast will be based on nothing more than "association".  

You will soon start to see I imagine letters of support in the press. A number will come from the same political players who year in and year out. 

The ubiquitous individual or two seen everywhere, penning letters or more often than not signing letters penned for them, advocating or tearing down one of the candidates, proffering the latest and greatest party line of the most recent clique they have latched on to.  

There is nothing wrong with being ubiquitous by the way.  However, such a presence should involve more than being some group's or some one's parrot.  But since we aren't electing such, mainly because such tend to shy away from that type of responsibility, and before I digress further ... 

Many will cast a vote because of who some other person supports.  Been happening since there have been elections.  Many of you out there have been asked by others who they should vote for.  It is what it is folks. 

So what's the point of all of the above?

Nothing and everything. 

Nothing I say here will change the minds of 2/3s of you.  Everything said here and elsewhere by you and others will influence to some degree in one way or another that always vital 1/3 swing.

As things heat up, there will be more said.  Once the filing deadline passes or everyone who has pulled papers returns them, the thermostat will be raised a bit.

But for today, I have said enough, even if that has been very little.

Until next time.

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