
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Big Doings and Doing Things

Big and Fun

I am leading off today with reminders of what is going in Town for the Bi-Centennial.  In a nutshell, a whole lot!

Car Cruises, the Moving Wall, Schooner visits, Parade, Historical Day, Maritime Day.

Big and not so fun

Interesting story about federal action against a local establishment in today's S-T. EPA fines Fairhaven Shipyard for Clean Water Act violation.  

Another article on the B of H and the turbines and the issues of mitigation is also in the paper.  Seems the developer was to submit a plan relative to mitigation of noise complaints and shadow flicker.   Seems there was nothing specifically addressed.

On the noise front, how does one mitigate an issue until one knows what has to be mitigated.  I ask this strictly from the legal perspective.  On this particular point, mitigation seems to be directly tied to the sound study to be conducted by the state.

Shadow flicker, well all I have seen is the news article so as far as what was addressed seems to be nothing, at least from that.  

From that bit piece, I would say that the developer needs to hire a spin doctor.  

There have been plenty of insulting in inappropriate innuendos throughout this issues by many, many people though.  That has been part of the problem from the get go.  

At the moment however, simply dismissing complaints based on a statistical analysis of who made them and whether they are a part of the lawsuit or are known opponents of the project doesn't operate as a reason to do so.  At least not on the statistics presented.  

Using the logic presented solely for the sake argument, you have managed to explain away 64.5% of the complaints.  Unfortunately you have failed to explain the remaining 35.5%.  That is a significant number.

Dr. Acksen, a member of the Board, referring to the developer, is quoted as saying "It's not in his best interest to make a mitigation plan and he basically dared us to do anything about that."  She is right.

If the developer is lacking in good advice from a spin doctor, he apparently doesn't suffer from the same as far as legal advice.  His stating what he is willing to do at this point before the sound study would be no different that the opponents stating what they would be willing to live with.  Why paint yourself into a corner.

As fare as the perceived dare, one would do well to keep that in mind.  If you truly believe that, ask yourself why that would be.  

While we are on the turbines, anyone out there know the status of the pending lawsuit?

NOTE:   Seems like I misread the article in the paper, or rather misinterpreted it.  Seems this was no meeting.  Best I can gather is someone got a hold of the letter from the developer, it got to the press, and the rest is history as they say.  This note is to clear that little tidbit up.  So no meeting, just information that was reported.

Back to having fun ...

So if all the goings on in town aren't enough to satisfy your fun allotment for the holiday, take a look at the listing in the S-T for events in the area. 

As much as it seems there are things to deal with, complain about and issues to solve, we need to also look at what our unique little patch of earth, and the surrounding area has to offer us.  

Heck just the ice cream factor alone is enough to make me grin (ice cream factor = loads of places you can jump into the car and take a short trip to get a cone.  Each with its own little draw to keep you deciding where to go this time.  And if the price of the cone is out of reach for some reason, three supermarkets routinely running specials on the still personally referenced "1/2 gallon" of various brands).

Think about how unique we are.  

We in New England, and in our own enclave within, are in an area where we are the only people in the world who know how to properly pronounce quahog, or even know what it is (had a friend at school in Milwaukee who when he heard me taking about quahog stuffing, told me they used plain stove top when they had stuffed pork chops).

We get to drink out of bubblers, not water fountains (I mean come on, who wants to drink from a fountain, you ever see some of the places they got the water shooting out from?).

Where else can you go and be called a wicked person and have a 50-50 chance you are being complimented (before everyone else high-jacked the term that is)?

Let us not forget that it is we who led the world down the path to the frozen drink mania prevalent at many a Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and any other number of bran named shops and fancy dancy establishments (and not so fancy).  Call it what you will, but the underlying premises is still a coffee frappe!

And remember, we you travel and people make fun of your accent, remind them that the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock, and the people who developed the accent were the ones who moved from there! (yes I know about Jamestown, but hey I am on a mini-roll here).

Enjoy the day, the holiday and the celebration.

1 comment:

  1. It is easy to respond to noise complaints by finding issue with the individuals who are making them. What is difficult to do is to identify where there is actually noise that needs to be mitigated. I don't doubt that there is noise generated by the turbines and that some of that noise is unwanted.

    What exacerbates the problem is that once an individual is exposed to the noise it becomes extremely frustrating when it can't be stopped. What makes the situation worse is when the generator of the noise fails to give the individual any acknowledgement or attempt to mitigate the problem.

    The measurement of noise is a difficult problem. What needs to be looked at is the ambient noise at the site, it doesn't matter whether trees are or are not present, whether the wind is blowing or whether it is perceived that the noise should fade into the background.

    The ambient noise needs to be measured, and really the ambient noise can only be established with the turbines shut off. And, I really hope there is a baseline that exists prior to the installation of the turbine. Otherwise, their presence has effected a change in the ambient measurement of what existed prior to their installation. The change to the ambient noise when the turbines are in operation needs to be measured, but for how long? The reality is that the measurement devices need to be in place until the turbines have operated in the full extent of their travels while both are in operation.

    If once the noise exceeds the 10 dB are the turbines are they out of spec? I'd say yes, but really shouldn't someone determine the actions that will be done prior to the start of the test? Rarely, in private industry, will data be taken without some parameters on what will be done with the results. Otherwise, why would you invest in the testing?


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