
Thursday, October 3, 2013

The end is here, well just about, the week that is.

Okay. just what is the government shutdown about?

I doubt most people know.  I doubt most people really want to acknowledge the fact that they really don't know.

We could in fact spend as much time and effort debating the nuances.

Let's start with the fundamental premise the it has very much to do with the idiocy of the agreement behind sequestration. Despite the popular attempts to dodge responsibility for that concept, the POTUS cannot dodge the reality that the concept was born and bred in the White House anymore than the Republicans can dodge the stupidity for going along with the concept.

It was a formula for a game of chicken that required the participants to jump into cars with locked doors and windows, both sides thinking no one would be dumb enough to start the engines and actually hit the gas when someone said go.

Everyone assumes this is all about affordable health care.  Certainly the law has provided the spark.  It is the main reason being touted.

It is the legislation that provides the lightning rod for this less than spectacular, but nonetheless devastating storm is Obama Care of the ACA depending on you dedicated view.  It is a law.  It has been passed and upheld.The GOP needs to realize there simply aren't the votes in both branches to repeal the act.

Whether you love it or hate it, it is in fact here to stay.  The irony of the present shutdown is the shutdown didn't stop it, and won't.  Kind of a bite your nose to spite your face.

Where the shift should be at this time is simply acknowledging the fact that issues with the budget do have to be dealt with. Tax more and spend more has to stop.  If the GOP is smart, shift the focus to the reality, and stake a stand.  Real spending reform going forward.  What is, is.  Want to make a real start: no new programs, no new initiatives, no expansion for at least two full years.  Deal with what you have.  Don't raise more to do more until you can handle what actually exists.

As somewhat of an aside, I remind everyone of an important corollary that flows from the argument that it is a law that has been enacted and upheld in the courts. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Inevitably power shifts. Public opinion shifts. Other laws are enacted, or existing laws are modified or repealed and the actions are under the same scenario.  Will you be so accepting then?

Enough said on that today.

The latest edition of the Fairhaven Neighborhood News is out.  Interesting article about the recent Con Com hearing.

This has to be the toughest board in town to sit on.  I say that in all sincerity too. Over the years I have been involved in several environmental issues.  I don't consider myself an expert, not even close. There are state and federal laws and regulations, in addition to local rules and all extremely technical in both wording and application. On site inspections by the commission on a regular basis.

The general public is often baffled as to the why it applies to them.  The why is pretty simple actually, see the state and federal laws and regs.  Doesn't make it any easier to understand, just explains the why.

Anyway, it was an interesting piece.

So was the article about the radio transmitter on the water tower dealt with at the recent BPW meeting. It apparently is believed or known to belong to the Acushnet EMA, but was also apparently put up without the proper paperwork.

October 22, 2013 is the hearing date for the proposed moratorium on the legalized medicinal marijuana plants (pun intended).

Just some tidbits and thoughts.

Enjoy the day.

Be Safe.

1 comment:

  1. The president recently said something to the effect of, "just because we raise the debt ceiling, it doesn't mean we are going to increase the debt." He must think we're all idiots.
    Look how difficult it is to keep local spending down. Is the federal govt., dealing with unfathomable numbers and scant oversight going to do it?
    Democrats? Republicans? We need a Divine intervention.


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