
Saturday, February 1, 2014

C & C in UIS or FTARH

I was toying with the idea of simply not mentioning the state approval for the proposed marijuana medical facility in Fairhaven.  However, such a hazy issue is filled with so many highs and lows, with much attention from the local papers igniting a burning interest by some, and causing others to simply take the mellow approach to a fait accompli..

It is what is is folks, as always.  Assuming the remaining ducklings line up in a row, what it is is Fairhaven will have a pot plant.

I have caught a fair amount of grief from supporters and detractors alike by my constant reference to describing the facility as a "pot plant" and my feeble attempts at "Up in Smoke" humor.  What can I tell you, I warned you all long ago that at times my mind wanders in the bizarro universe.   

As I said before, dressing a duck in a tuxedo doesn't make it a penguin.  It is a pot plant, and will be a pot plant, and in about 2 to 3 years has a significant chance of becoming a very big pot plant (time line for that: vote in Nov. 2016, 10 months plus or minus after that for the next generation of state regs.).

Anyway, the "hoops" to be jumped through, as described in The Standard Times, by the proposed plant for Fairhaven have a diameter of about 20 feet.    

Anyway, a week from this upcoming Wednesday, the votes on the "hoops" i.e. will be taken at the  STM. Pass through the first one, the second disappears.  Don't make it through the first one, worse case scenario for the applicant, is a delay until July 1, 2014.  That's assuming the moratorium passes providing the Planning Board until June 30th, 2014 to come up with another proposed by-law and get it passed by a June 30th deadline. 

Again, anyway ... the train for this one is well under way.

Speaking of trains, big news.  Big push to pass the spending for the train.  All we will need now is a governor to actually spend the money. funding for this one is kind of like the funding they put in place the repair the bridge.    That only took what, something like 26 years from legislative passage to the work starting?

Put in on the fast track, say cut the time by 75%, only another six or seven years, right?

Time, seems to be about the only thing we have to spend anymore.

Anyway ...

Hearing through the grapevine that the Rogers/Oxford committee voted last Thursday to recommend the buildings be sold.  That's all I have on that one at this point.  Nothing about any conditions or restrictions or anything else.  We will find out soon enough.

Okay, all ready late posting this one.  Just a few tidbits for today.

Be safe.


  1. Yea for the school vote,same goes for the pot..

  2. Looks like there's going to be some changes in the landscape. Sell the schools? What purpose do they have for us now- regardless of the condition. The pot farm- just a sign of the times. Can't imagine much good coming from either of the situations.

  3. I can see some good from both situations.Some local jobs ,tax,revenue,goods an services,an legal entity for the patients that need the product. The town rids them selfs of expenses they dont need school building maintenance an safety.Developers could turn them into tax housing ,good example is the old anthony school,sacred hearts academy,nemasket school or even some low income housing.


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