
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Are You Really Serious? Part II

"No action, no matter how much you think it will benefit the town, should be based on a violation of the fundamental principles of law which govern us. "  From my "Why I do this Blog" post on January 23, 2012, quoted on the FairAction Fairhaven website on its "Wood School Re-Vote" page.

There is nothing in that statement which is untrue. There is nothing in that statement which would cause me any regrets.  What some seem to be missing also, there is nothing in that statement that helps your cause.

Heck, I actually find it flattering that FairAction Fairhaven, for the third time in two weeks, finds me quotable.  When you can't come up with a statement on your own that people will pay attention to, you might as will try using one from someone else.

But again I must ask, are you really serious?  Do you think using my statements actually helps you out?

I probably shouldn't point this out, but purely from experience one should never use an argument or statement not intended to support your point of view, for the purpose of in fact trying to support your point of view. 

There will be more on that in a later blog so feel free to follow along.

While this group can certainly quote me, and I do thank it for the continuing publicity, one might think in the interest of fairness the group might just mention the fact that my quote is not an endorsement of the group's point of view.  I can understand why they might want to omit that fact (actually I am just trying to goad them into another statement because in my opinion they are their own worst enemy).

What FairAction Fairhaven really should do though is also point out to you readers exactly what the "violation of the fundamental principles of law which govern us" is.  After all, to use such a statement in the context this group is using it would only be fair to explain, wouldn't it?

Letting us all know in clear and concise terms exactly what the violation is, how it was done, and how it actually violates the ethics laws might help us all to understand. 

Public disclaimer for all quotes from me appearing on the FairAction Fairhaven Website, facebook page, or anywhere else it decides to put them.

All statements originally appearing on this blog have been made and are offered as a personal opinion only.

Also, just so there are no mistaken impressions out there, I do not endorse the positions of FairAction Fairhaven, its opinions, commentary, or unsupported accusations.  I find its conduct to be anything but fair, and its tactics to be worse than any it complains of. 

While I am at it, it also seems that neither originality nor facts is within this group's repertoire.


  1. The misuse of out of context quotes is just one example of how FAF skews statements, facts and data in order to advance their agenda. This type of distortion makes me distrust their motives. I can not ever take seriously or side with a rabble rousing small, vocal minority that seeks to cause rifts between friends and neighbors. They may actually a couple of good points but I'll never know what they are because of their antagonistic approach.

  2. In response to their latest tirade,I just posted my first, my only and my last post on FairAction Fairhaven's FaceBook page. Because I don't want to continue to give them fodder for their fear mongering, smear campaign and mudslinging,I won't be returning to WW or FAF sites again as they have lost any remaining shred of benefit of the doubt or open mindedness I was willing to give them. You'll have to go to their FB page to read it b/c it's too long to re-post here. I won't be checking to see if or how they respond to my post because I don't care what they think of my opinion because I have no respect for theirs.


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