
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Election News (a little bit anyway)

I had the chance to stop by Town Hall mid-afternoon today.  Checking the candidates book (a public record by the way), 4 people had pulled papers for Selectmen, three for school committee, two for tree warden.  As of 2:30 p.m. looks like we a at least three contested races (might be one more, but I can't read my own handwriting so I will go with what I am sure of).  I got a feeling we aren't done with paper pulling yet.

Obviously until the papers are turned in there is no actual contest on the ballot.  It is not unheard of for people to pull papers and then not turn them in.  Yet it promises to be a crowded election ballot, which is a good thing in my opinion.

Until papers are actually turned in, I am not going to be naming names.

Suffice it to say that in a race for an open seat, with this many potential candidates, it is certainly wide open.  

Some early predictions (and yes I know, not really hard ones to make):
Even before the first candidates' night, someone is going to shoot themselves in the foot (or put their foot in their mouth if you prefer the non-violent approach).
At the first candidates' night somebody else is going to shoot themselves in the foot.
At the last candidates' night (you guessed it), somebody will shoot themselves in the foot.
All levity aside, predictions at this point are like trying to guess the weather for election day, so I'll adopt a wait and see approach.

Candidates' nights are going to be tough, given the issues.  If you don't have your "A" game, you are going to be in trouble.  People are going to expect, and deserve, specifics.  I just realized I may have to show up for the live event instead of catching the taped version.

Anything specific you think needs to be answered by the candidates?

It does seem a shame that we can't get this much interest for an election against an incumbent.  Just why is that you think?

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