
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Healthy pizza for a few cents more

Before we all start lining our duck's up on whether the extra 15 cents +/- for a pizza is worth it or will be the beginning of the end of capitalism, let's look at one simple fact.  The health carer industry in this country does in fact need an overhaul.

Another simple fact is the so called "Obamacare" is the law of the land.

I am not going to get into the right or wrong of the Supreme Court decision.

I am going to talk about healthcare.

I am not a fan of the socialist health care.  I have had some detailed discussions with a number of folks who live under such a system.  They range from the general public to doctors and dentists and lawyers and government officials.

Neither am I necessarily enamoured with our present system.

Do I have an absolute answer no.  Neither do the opponents to Obama care, or anyone else over the last 40 years or so.  The fact that somethings has been done is a step in the right direction, and it is going to come at a cost, and there is no mistaking that.

There are many draconian steps that could in fact be taken to significantly reduce health care costs.  There are a great many "managed" decisions that could also be taken to reduce costs.  If I need to detail them let me know, but I think many of you are smart enough to realize what could be done to save money.

No one likes to talk about them because the cold hard reality is in many cases, a lot of money gets spent because in a lot of cases, the costs are simply not factored in.  What is the price of a human life, I truly don't know.  But being truly clinical about it, if every life is to be deemed priceless, we got a really big problem.

I understand the moral quagmire of such a statement, and thankfully I am not in a position I have to make decisions on how to solve the problem.

I do know that we cannot continue to bury our heads in the sand taking the position that cost shouldn't be an issue when providing health care.  Cost is an issue for every single decision we make every day.  It may not be the first thing we think about, but it factors in.

In isolated instances your heart gets torn over such matters.  In some cases you instantly shake your head over why someone is allowed to die and others allowed to live.

John Silber made a few comments about health care related issues, and admittedly other things, that cost him the election.  The fact that his philosophy were more republican than the Republican Weld's didn't help him.

But the statement he is most often remembered for is when he quoted Shakespeare relative to living a long life. I still remember that one getting pounced upon.

Make now mistake about it though, this is going to affect everyone economically.  The problem with looking at it as only 15 cents on a pizza is the costs aren't going to be spread only to a pizza. Neither is every employer who is required to provide coverage going to be able to necessarily just pass it along to you and me.  

But something has to give somewhere on health insurance and health care.  Whether the new law of the land will be the solution, only time will tell.  

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