
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Blackout in Effect

I wasn't going to blog today, however I received an e-mail from the Government Access Channel Director (it was a mass mailing to all town boards and committees).  It appears the access channel will be down, length of time unknown.

Apparently, there was some type of major failure in a key component of the equipment.  

From an informational aspect, it could happen at a worse time, but life is what it is.  The Channel Director does one heck of a job with what she is given.  Hopefully this is a situation where she can figure out how to make lemon-aid  out of this lemon.

This just makes it vitally important that people make the effort to stay informed.  The easiest method, i.e. couch potato viewing, may be lost for some time (or it could be back today, who knows).

Go to the candidates nights.  There is one tonight at the Council on Aging.  After posting yesterday, i saw the notice on a facebook page there was one yesterday sponsored by the Fairhaven Buisness Association at the fairly new "Arts" establishing in the old bank building in the center of town (sorry if I don't have the exact name, pressed for time here).  

It was actually very enlightening.  For anyone there who might think at times I wasn't paying attention, sorry but I was.  While in my younger days I may have been operating with a "quad" processor, and now am down to a "twin", it is still plenty enough to catch just about everything.

While limited to only the selectman's race, it was nonetheless pretty good.  An improvement over last year's event, and if you were paying attention extremely enlightening.   I will leave the reporting to the our local version of the "Daily Planet".  I am quite interested in seeing if someone besides myself caught on to some of the "highlights".

The video coverage blackout, if it last through the election is going to have a dramatic effect on the outcomes.  Lack of coverage is always a clear advantage to an incumbent.  I am not, repeat am not implying in any way, shape or form any type of "conspiracy".  But as noted, it is what it is and what it is, in my opinion, is a definite plus for those who are in.

So just a note to you.  Be safe. 


  1. Without tv coverage I may be at a disadvantage for SC race b/c I have no signs for name/face recognition. Then again I keep turning up like a bad penny so people are probably tired of seeing my face anyway.

  2. Television coverage can be a positive or a negative factor for both the incumbents and the challengers. A candidate's composure and expressed knowledge might help to persuade a voter. But I don't think a serious voter casts their vote 'solely' based on a performance during candidates night.
    Published statements in the press, including a brief biography and qualifications are informative. Past decisions and actions of any candidate on critical issues are significant considerations of the voter.
    Signs don't equal votes. We've seen in the recent past, that signs and 'give aways' don't guarantee votes.
    Always be genuine in your dealings and clear on what you stand for. And may the best candidate win.


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