
Saturday, June 15, 2013

When can a wrinkle be a fold?

I am flabbergasted.  No other way to put it.  I went through the newspaper (e-version mind you) and couldn't find a Fairhaven article in the news section.  What is going on?

It is Saturday morning and my good mood has turned into a lazy and relaxed mood.  I don't want to have to put on my thinking cap today.  

Admittedly, I wouldn't have to wear it all that long to come up with something.  Still, it is in the den and I am out on the deck, sipping coffee and enjoying what passes for the calm of early morning wedged between Adams Street and the bridge and harbor.

Sometimes the simplest solutions just seem to require such a herculean effort to resolve. Thinking without my cap, I think I will just sit here and follow the common line and just wing it.

Might take tomorrow off.  Set up a good curb side seat. The morning of the road race is usually pretty good to do some people watching.  

Don't get me wrong.  It is a good thing.  Not sure how it has morphed into a four hour window of making it near impossible to navigate through town, but hey it still is a good thing.  Just a bit of a wrinkle in the event though.

The people watching alone is at times worth the inconvenience.  I am sure I will get to see several attempts at trying to squeeze a twelve foot vehicle into an eight foot space.  Cars being parked with the back end extended into some one's driveway (ever notice how no one ever seems to do that with the front end).

Minor irritants in the end.  

Enough, it is a good thing so ... moving on for just a bit ...

Interesting sign seen on the net, and I assume soon to be seen popping up around town about evicting the developer.  Ask any landlord what it takes to evict a tenant from a property in terms of time and money.  Multiply that by roughly 6 or 7 fold, and you might get a minimal understanding.

By the way that is "fold", not  "times".

Speaking of folds, it is time to fold this one up for today.  Enjoy what looks like a fantastic weather day; and, as always, Be Safe.


  1. John, you overlooked a small bit on the online "newspaper" this morning.

  2. Here is some news about Fairhaven. The town may have lost control of the town properties and maybe being told how to do business by the wind turbine company ?

    There may be a press release that is telling the town the Board of Health and Select Board order to shut down the wind turbine is going to be ignored.

    Who's in charge of Fairhaven now ?

    1. If by “town” you mean the WindWise puppets, they never had the control a few hoped for.

      But how else do you expect a legitimate company to work with the real town and try to resolve the few times the operation is out of compliance. I think if I do indeed see the turbines turning at night, it tells me that there is some common ground being approached.

      Of course you will see another Bruins game slap in the face and that is your right as well.

    2. Michelle FurtadoSaturday, June 15, 2013

      Why do you use the opportunity to comment, to 'name call?' That's part of the problem, not part of the solution.
      If you know reasons, within the law, why the turbines can continue to operate as they currently do, tell us that.
      I have questions about what's going on and what's been reported. Why don't you respond to the changing events using the knowledge you have, and hope it sheds light on the situation, instead of condescending others who have a different view?
      Andrew Jones explained something last week in a simple, respectful tone. Now I 'get it.' That's how comments serve a purpose.

  3. Interesting concept, however: When you lease property your right to control the property is strictly governed by the terms of the lease. It really is that simple. For which I again am grateful for at least one proper motion being made relative to the compliance issue.

    Not to sure whether your "press release" comment about the order is facetious or not. If so, it is pretty good, if not pretty interesting info.

    Personally, I am pretty surprised it has been adhered to at all, Bruins game notwithstanding.

    Just a chance guess here, but I would be surprised (wow twice in one day, imagine that) if the legal dream team for either side is of the opinion that Monday's order is enforceable.

    I do take your question about who is in charge to be in the nature of both facetious and rhetorical. The answer in the long run nonetheless, and hopefully an incorrect one, is going to be someone wearing a black robe, which unfortunately seems to be the present norm.

    1. The game plan in other towns to keep the turbines going is to pit one end of town against the other with litigation costs (black robes) .

      The wind contractors have deep pockets. The town will be forced to decide to throw your neighbors families with their children under the bus and consider them road kill or pay the litigation costs.

      The people who vote to throw the neighbors under the bus will say: the community can continue to maximize the benefits of wind energy and throw the families up to green energy altar.

  4. No one likes to hear it, no one wants to accept it, but no one apparently wants to really and legitimately deal with the issue; and, you are wrong to present it in the shaded light of "pay litigation costs".

    If we end up with grounds under the lease that provide a basis to "evict" then I for one will have no qualms about the litigation cost to proceed with an eviction.

    Litigation cost, which will be substantial, but may be necessary, will pale in relation to "litigation damages" if the Town at this point takes the wrong steps.

    Again I note, everyone should consider themselves extremely fortunate there was one correct motion made. We all better be hoping that everything else that transpired Monday isn't enough to muck up that up.

    This whole process has been a colossal snafu, and it seems most are going out of their way to keep it that way.

    If people want to continue to ignore the legal steps that have to be taken to get to an end result in the most beneficial manner (and I mean time and money), knock yourselves out.

    Let me give it to you as straight as possible. The B of H had absolutely no business making its decision at a joint meeting with the selectmen. It had no business making its decision at a meeting under the Notice posted. I had no business doing it without proper advance notice to the affected party, without that party given advance notice to the developers.

    I could go on and list about a dozen more things done which individually would probably constitute sufficient reasons upon which people without a preconceived plan or desired result would easily find grounds to believe no valid order was issued Monday.

    But is there any real point to it?

    Quite frankly, I cannot think of anything other than the 30 day notice motion that was done which was legally correct, or made any sense whatsoever.

    If you wanted to declare the things a nuisance, why not follow the procedure and protocol for a nuisance hearing? That's the question everyone, for or against, should be asking.

    You may say "well that's just your opinion." You would be correct, it is just my opinion. However, does anyone seriously believe that was the right thing to do? Leave out all your stuff about righting wrongs, because as we can all see it has righted nothing.

    Tell me whether you really believed that was the right thing to do to accomplish what you wanted, that you honestly and legitimately thought that those votes were going to end it. If you did, please tell me why.


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