
Sunday, November 17, 2013

A nothing Sunday.

I was going to take another pass at posting today.  Just can't seem to get motivated this weekend on that front.

I tried watching some on demand meetings.  I went over the paper/s for the past few days.  Reviewed agendas for next weeks meetings. Scrolling through face book.  Going to certain pages.  Looking at latest polls.  All the stuff that usually has something jump out at you.

Now I am sure there is some stuff out there that has the attention of a few of you.  If I weren't in the "no heavy lifting" mode that I am today, I probably very easily could be pounding away at a thing or two.

It isn't a matter of burn out, just kind of a "tune out" mode.  Just a a mental r & r weekend.

Seems that there will be the potential for some real motivation next week.    I suppose. Maybe.

So with that said, believe it or not, I am not going to touch on any topic.  

Open line format today. PLEASE read the comment rules (click the tab above).

And that is it.

Be Safe


  1. Note on Commenting:

    Just sent one to the spam folder. Kind of sorry I had to, cause it would have provided a nice easy return shot or two, certainly the makings of canon fodder for tomorrow. Anyway, had one sentence in there that caused me some "heavy lifting" in the decision. One thing to accuse/allege "no no" on the part of public officials. An entirely different thing to throw the rock to include a private individual or even group. Anyway too close a call my opinion.

    Kind of too bad like I said. I am looking easy stuff.

  2. Attempt no. 2 into the trash bin.

    As noted in the blog, if I weren't in the "no heavy lifting" mode that I am today, I probably very easily could be pounding away at a thing or two on both attempted comments.

    The fact that your second attempt just deleted a name means unfortunately you don't get my reasoning, which is fine, except it also means it doesn't get published either.

    As a FYI, trying to goad me into publishing a comment doesn't work either. Actually tends to have an adverse result.

  3. Nothing edgy or burning here, but I'm wondering how some towns have those shingled Cape Cod-ish Dunkin Donuts, or the quaint looking McDonalds.

    Typical American businesses have gone the way of franchise, many who have such garish physical buildings and signage which just doesn't fit the history of town. It would be nice to move forward with a plan to improve our area with ideas that are already exist in other towns. Is that difficult to do? Bad idea? Already been visited?

    ~I'd like an order of Cape Cod with that burger....~

  4. Taking advantage of 'Open Format,' why doesn't the town fine residents who place their leaves in the street as stated on the town website, under "Curbside Leaf Removal?" I've noticed violations for a few years but never thought much of it because no one else seemed to care. But this year a friend brought up the subject when she got home from a walk (in the center heading South,) and neither of us understand why it's allowed to continue.

  5. No wonder people keep doing it, nothing's ever done about it. Why do some people use plastic bags when they're not supposed to? Because they keep emptying them.

  6. LMAO because I recently pondered this.

    Do you know that Town bylaw actually MANDATES recycling of orgainic debris like leaves? Raking leaves into the street is not acceptable, and could actually be construed as dumping. For some reason, the Town does nothing to stop the practice of people dumping in the street. Nor am I sure they have any "teeth" to stop it.

    The Town has no vacuum truck to recycle piles of leaves, which might be nice if money were of no concern. That way, the recycled leaves could actually be used for alot of things. I'm not quite sure this Town has a viable outlet for all recycled wastes, but it's still a good practice to segregate and recycle organic yard wastes. As a Town, we pay ABC Disposal to pick up leaves curbside - in bags or approved containers - so they go to a "cheaper" waste stream. We also have the Arsene Street drop-off center at which people can bring yard waste, that can be recycled and re-used around Town.

    Because of the people that dump leaves into streets, we have to be concerned with clogged gutters and storm drains, which then need increased and unnecessary clean outs. Sometimes it causes minor flooding - at least it does in the center. For some reason, the DPW drives around in their street sweeper, cleaning the gutters like they are supposed to, but also picking up these mammoth piles of leaves people incorrectly put out. Probably not a big deal to some people.

    I have to wonder if the DPW knows that street sweepings (even leaves) have a different "legal" waste stream, and must be handled differently than the stuff collected by ABC or the town yard. A more expensive waste stream, given all the contaminants that come along with the asphalt, oils and sand that come along with roads. Who knows, maybe we're grabbing that yummy waste when we re-use "compost" from Arsene.

    So in addition to expensive disposal or storage, add the costs of the increased emptying of the sweeper, the extra dump truck runs, the wear and tear, etc, and there IS an ACTUAL and completely unnecessary cost to this town. And we are already PAYING for a leaf collection service! Maybe small potatoes, but when we are talking about cuts and saving money, pennies count.

  7. A relative lived in New Jersey. When I visited I saw mounds of leaves lining the curbs on the entire streets. She said they are told to pile the leaves in the street and a truck comes and collects them. It was an odd sight but it worked for them. I think it's terrific that we have two ways to get rid of our leaves. I remember long ago when the leaves were put out with the trash. Maybe now, after hearing about WHY it's important to rake and properly remove leaves more people will do it. If not, then start fining. In some locations, it's extremely obvious where the leaves came from.


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