
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ho hum

Well I personally missed last night's select board meeting. I will have to await the weekly papers and the articles about the same to catch up. 

I had planned on going.  Really.  What is that old saying about the best laid plans?

Might be appropriate, if there was a plan out there.

Anyway ...

I do know it was a late one.  I flipped on the television, somewhere closer to 10:00 P.M. than the hour earlier, and the board was just making the going into executive session pat motions.  

What swayed me from attending is my resolve after attending the last one.  The same resolve after attending just about every meeting.  It boils down essentially to the same apathy running rampant through most of the populace.  Why bother?

At this point so long as something happens, it has to be better than staying stuck in neutral with the engine running.

So on a Tuesday evening, I decided the benefits of staying home and doing nothing out weighed the benefit of dragging myself out and essentially doing nothing.  

Told you.  I am more and more finding great comfort in just jumping on the wagon and riding, no matter how bumpy the journey.  It beats being in front pulling.

Even the recent musings on the blog have been more of a need to scratch an occasional itch rather than anything else.

So if you watched, and found anything interesting, I wouldn't mind hearing about it. I do know the matter on the "new" voting places was removed.  Had heard about that earlier in the day.

At some point I have to get my motivation going for a few matters.  I love the concept of the town web site and even individual committees and departments and such with their own web sites.  Some are pretty good.  Some are lacking.

Several committees in town I wanted to do some quick scans on the meetings.  No minutes listed on the town web site.  No agendas posted on the web site.  A few seem to be lagging in posting more recent meeting minutes and such.  To be fair, that is not a violation of anything.  Still, a bit curious because I certainly remember receiving the memo about what our leaders voted on relative to the same.

Anyway ... outside of a few other people, it doesn't seem to bother most people.  Most people are quite content with SOP so long as it benefits them.

Enough for today.  Maybe awhile.  It is what it is and will be what we let it be.  Just you be safe, okay?

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