
Monday, January 6, 2014

Day One, Year Three

Okay so we begin Day One of Year Three.  We start the first full week of a new calendar year.  We, as in "we the town", begin to deal in earnest with the next fiscal year.  

What happens is in many ways dictated by figures yet unknown, specifically the state aid figures. The first glimpse of the amount which could be received will come out the last week of this month with the governor's proposed budget.  From that point on, we play a bit of a guessing game as to weather there will be more or less actually received once the house and senate play around with the numbers.

Every year the same question is asked, i.e. why do we start the process until we know what the exact numbers are.  Well the primary reasons: We are required by law to have a balanced budget in place before July 1st.  We are required to use estimates to do so.  We cannot depend on knowing for certain by a date certain.  It takes just a bit of time to align the stars for the budget. A proper budget process need not be delayed until then.

You don't know whether you are going to get a raise next year or not. You being the average citizen here. You do know however what you need to live on for next year.  You can reasonably and with some accuracy predict your costs.  You know what you need for rent or PIT, insurance, utilities. You should be able to predict what you need for supplies, etc.  

You should have an idea of what must be done, what should be done and what you would like to do.  You can put together your budget.  

The difference between you and "we", is you often have no recourse but to live within your budget, no matter what the reasoning, no matter what the emergency.  "We" spend all too frequently under the assumption that "we" can always go back to the vault and get more money.  After all, it is for the public good, it is for public safety, etc., etc., etc.

"We" will once again max out the tax levy, and if "we" don't it will be completely unintentional.  

No surprises there for anyone. 

The most disheartening thing for this year will in fact be the need to reduce or eliminate certain of the "perks" people have come to expect, if it comes to that.  Let's hope it doesn't.  I mean that sincerely.  But it may just be that action which finally motivates more people to pay attention.  No one likes paying more, and people grumble every year about taxes always going up and new fees. And there certainly is no shortage in the requests and even demands for new things, improvements and the continued "favored nation" status for some.

No surprises there either.

I often wonder what "we" would do, if "we" were forced to live within the constraints that you face everyday.

Anyway, just some rambling thoughts on a Monday.  

Be safe!

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