
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Not quite the last

Not the last 

In last weeks edition to the Fairhaven Neighborhood news, a letter to the paper urges you you vote to adopt article 50, which is an attempt to rescind an easement granted to the telephone company back in 1995 on what is commonly referred to as Cushman Park land.  Same letter in yesterday's S-T by the way.

The writer in addressing the article states:
It will address an important question, it being, who owns Cushman Park? Can the Town Meeting members sell or give away parts of Cushman Park or are we allowed to grant a Quitclaim or Covenants in perpetuity?  
Individually, what seems to be the problem? These questions have evolved over years due to the lack of information, poor judgement or direct deceit to gain possession.
The writer goes on to provide reference to the deed from Henry Huttleston Rogers by which he granted a large tract of land to the town to establish Cushman Park.  Indeed we are provided with a book and page reference in the registry of deeds from the donation of the land and the restrictions in the deed.

The writer refers to the proposed article as saving the best for last (it is no. 50 on the annual warrant, not quite accurate to say it is the last article, but for all intent and purposes it is the last article that should require any kind of "attention", for the second or third time to boot).   

Seems someone thinks they have found a rabbit to pull out of their hat.

Wonder if our selectmen intend to reconsider this one and change their vote.  Wish in fact the article had sought some money.  It didn't so, let's see how this one gets handled stage left.

Just a question or two on this one.  If you know anything about real estate, maybe you have these same questions.

Part B of the article refers an instrument of taking.  An instrument of taking normal refers to an eminent domain proceeding.  Referring to the instrument of taking, you will find reference to an act of the legislature from way back when authorizing the town to take the land by eminent domain to do a whole lot of things with it (but no mention of park land).  Part C references the HHR deed and restrictions.

So the obvious question is if the town acquired possession through an instrument of taking as referenced in part B, how do restrictions from a deed referenced in part C given several years later apply to the land the town all ready owns?

Must be some explanation.  Certainly there would be no misinformation being provided.

Other points

When you get to town meeting expect a number of changes to the figures under article 4, along with several recommendations for some articles.  We know the tourism POS will change, I am hearing that there are several other anticipated changes based on bugs being put in certain ears and direct requests to be submitted to the selectmen.

This has been one of the most difficult budget seasons I ever ever witnessed, and it has nothing to do with the amount of money available.  Actually it has everything to do with the amount of money available.

As much of a contradiction as that may sound, it is a fact.

If you know exactly what you have available then you can deal with it.  The problem was not knowing.

I am not talking about exact state aid figures.  Given the the speed with which our legislature works, it is a rare occasion when we have set figures for town meeting.  Knowing this, and based on preliminary figures, you learn to deal with it.

What the town has available is an entirely different story.  There is absolutely no reason why actual figures for funds, and precise estimates for available revenue cannot be determined no later then January 31st of each year.  Will there ever be a situation where those figures need to be changed, absolutely.  But such a situation would be dictate by an real emergency or some completely unforeseen event.  Not by failure to gather the available information.

As late as March 29, 2012 this year "new" money was being found and "new" expenses were being discovered.  Can you imagine trying to establish a budget without all the necessary information?

Last one

Now here is a bug that has been buzzing around my head since Monday night.

Mr. Murphy made the comment about the the criticism he heard about people opposed to the tourism budget cut being unable to contact finance committee members.  Went as far as to say something needs to be done about that.

So I suggest you all do the following.  Go to the selectmen's page for the town.  Look at the information there.  Review it.  Click on the link for his e-mail.  Joe the average citizen will receive information on how to contact Mr. Murphy.  Call the selectmen's office.  Send and e-mail to the selectmen's office.

Don't see any personal contact information for Mr. Murphy anywhere on the page.

Go to the finance committee page.  It can be contacted through the Director of Finance Office.  What is the difference between how Joe the average citizen can contact the Mr. Murphy and any member of fin com?

If calling the contact people or sending an e-mail through the listed town person/address is all the information Joe the average citizen has to get a hold of you, why isn't it good enough for her to get a hold of fin com members?

Better yet,  I am all for more accessibility.  Give Fin Com and its members office space, a telephone line, a town computer, copying and printing privileges, town e-mail addresses, and office staff to field calls and complaints and relay messages like you have, or a nice answering system.

I would have absolutely no problem with that.  I would love to have to stop using my own cell phone minutes, copy paper, printer, supplies, personal and business computers.

The money is there.  Use your budgetary prowess and put together a proposal for this town meeting for us.  I would love to see it happen.

If you would like to see that too, I urge you to contact Mr. Murphy, directly if you happen to be fortunate enough to have his telephone number or private e-mail, or you can manage to find his telephone number by looking it up.  Otherwise, feel free to get a hold of him through the contact information on the Selectmen page for the town website.

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