
Friday, October 19, 2012

A bit of a wander.

We are it seems a nation divided.  Political philosophy divides communities, states and the nation.  A look at the projected electoral college maps, and those of the past two presidential elections show the country has essentially separated into the east and west coast and upper mid-west on one side with the remainder aligned on the other.

Indeed, the present election is looking eerily like it will mirror the 2000 election, with the deciding state to be Ohio.  Romney does in fact need Ohio.  Whatever other avenues have been opened up by recent trends seem too congested, are still long shots and a bit complicated to get to the White House.

Despite the fact that yesterday's polls show Romney trending upward after his debate "loss", the popular vote only matters as it pertains to each individual state.  Romney doesn't seem to have it in the states with the electoral count he needs.

Soon, oh so very soon, this election will be behind us.  May the victor have the ability to carry us forward.

May the divided branches of Congress figure out a way to actually get something done.  The House is most probably going to be controlled by the Republican with the Senate being controlled by the Democrats.  The attitude of the leadership in both needs a severe overhaul.  The Senate votes cannot continue to be tailored only on "no Republican amendments" and the House when it holds its tea parties has to invite the Democrats in for a cup.

The fact everyone seems to avoid is our economy, whether you believe it in recovery mode or not, is extremely fragile.  Indeed we could be on a course of doing everything the right way, and still see the economy slide back into recession as a result of events oversees.

Locally, whatever pickup in the economy, it is unlikely to be of enough significance to help on the local aid factor for several years.  It is the natural progression of things in downturns and upswings.  The municipal/governmental factor is usually a good two years behind the curve.

Anyone expecting a bonanza is in for a rude awakening.

I think there will be several jolts from a sound sleep soon to be honest.  There are going to be recommendations from the state on how the Town conducts its business that some are not going to like. I even anticipate recommendations as to how fin com does its business, and quite frankly welcome the outside perspective.

The report should be looked at and dealt with in an extremely serious manner, and no recommendation should be dismissed out of hand.  The reverse it true also.  No recommendation should be blindly accepted.  Every recommendation needs to be considered with the goal of fixing what needs to be fixed, making improvements that make sense, and establishing a better and more effective government.

Well enough wandering thoughts.  Stay dry today, if you can.

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely sick of this election season. I would just like one of the candidates for prez and senate to tell me what they will do and how they will do it if they are elected. Until then I've stopped listening to them all their mudslinging and tit for tat finger pointing. My near adult son, with and autism spectrum disorder, my husband and I are depending on the much needed medical, educational and vocational services that he will require to be there during the next four years. I have no clue which candidates will work to preserve the already under-financed and over burdened services that our tax dollars have provided for others until now.


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